4 minute read
Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)
from Connections 2021
by jewishnaples
The JCRC’s primary mission is to promote and enhance relationships between the Jewish community and the general community of Greater Naples. The JCRC collaborates with a number of groups, participating in programs and activities that promote religious freedom, separation of religion from government and social justice issues.
The membership of JCRC consists of representatives from Jewish organizations serving our community as well as at-large members. Member diversity enables the JCRC to represent the thinking of the Jewish community on social issues of community-wide interest.
Among the JCRC’s traditional activities are the following programs:
Cultural and Educational Programming
The JCRC sponsors several events during Florida Jewish History Month (January), including the annual JCRC/ Friends of the Collier County Library Klezmer Revival Band Concert. It is a participant, and encourages all Jewish community members to join, in the annual Martin Luther King Day parade.
The major community event sponsored by the JCRC is the annual Jewish Community Day of Learning, at which a variety of presenters with expertise in numerous topics share their knowledge with attendees. The purpose of this event is to provide the opportunity for everyone in our community to learn something of interest and connect with aspects of our shared Jewish heritage.
In 2021, the 5th Annual Day of Learning will be conducted virtually and will include both a Day and Evening of Learning. The daytime event is entitled, “It’s Chai Time to Visit Jewish Neighbors.” Speakers will “take” us to three Jewish communities to learn about Crypto Jews as well as Jews in Persia and China. The evening session will have clergy of three faiths discussing their experiences dealing with the pandemic.
Human Needs Award
The JCRC and JFGN give this award to acknowledge the positive contributions of several select nonprofit organizations in our community. Annually, monetary awards are given to two small nonprofit agencies. The objective is to identify agencies who serve a severely means-limited, disadvantaged population. We seek agencies who have limited ability or success with their own fundraising. Last year’s recipients were Bikes for Tykes and Collier Resource Center.
The JCRC has adopted the following goals:
• To further the understanding of Jewish heritage and practices within the community and to act as a voice for Jewish causes and concerns in the Greater Naples area
• To support and join Jewish and non-Jewish organizations and religious institutions in developing and sustaining constructive causes
• To provide appropriate responses to counter statements of bigotry and acts of anti-Semitism
• To develop educational opportunities with other religious and ethnic groups
• To participate with other groups regarding pertinent legislative matters
• To foster an ongoing and beneficial relationship with the local media
• To cooperate with other Jewish Community Relations Councils throughout Florida

On July 2, 2020, the JCRC of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples presented a check to the Hunger & Homeless Coalition of Collier County. (L-R) Yale Freeman, HHC Board Chairman; Jeffrey Feld, President/CEO JFGN; Michael Overway, Executive Director HHC (accepting the check); Nadja Joseph, HHC (kneeling); Mitch Watch, HHC; Mary Waller, HHC Board Member; Alex Wertheim, JCRC of JFGN, and Yusleidy Nunez, HHC
Stand Up for Justice Educator Award
Annually, this Educator Grant Award recognizes middle and high school teachers, librarians, media specialists, guidance counselors and administrators who demonstrate outstanding, unique educational initiatives countering bigotry and bullying in the schools. The underlying purpose is for these programs to be replicated and broadly applied in the school system.
Nominees’ lessons or activities must be of their own design or adaptations from other programs and should be able to show evidence of a positive nature as a result of implementation. These lessons or activities should teach students to Stand Up for Justice, no matter what religious, racial, cultural or other differences exist. A committee of experienced educators evaluates programs submitted for consideration, selecting the two programs that best achieve the objectives of the award program to receive the monetary award.
Catholic-Jewish Dialogue
The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue engages people of both faiths in understanding our long history and to advance the cause of mutual understanding and appreciation for our differences as well as our commonalities. To achieve these goals, the CJD plans events throughout the year, including the Kristallnacht Commemoration, films, book
Israel Advocacy Committee (IAC)
The IAC’s mission includes providing informational and educational programming to the community regarding current issues in Israel and its role in world affairs. To meet these goals, the committee presents films, guest speakers and discussions throughout the year on current topics, providing a historical perspective. The committee diligently monitors and responds appropriately to relevant newspaper articles and editorials.
Among other programming during the coming season, the IAC will present several speakers, virtual walking tours from Israel, and the Tzofim (Israel Scouts) Friendship Caravan, who visit annually and perform at several venues throughout the Greater Naples area.
For more information, please contact Harvey Cohen, IAC Chair, at hwcohen@gmail.com. discussions, teen programs, interfaith weekends, Passover Seders and much more.
Anti-Semitism Task Force
The Task Force fulfills the function of promoting the security of Jewish organizations, religious institutions and the Jewish community. The JCRC and the Federation serve as a collection point for reporting, facilitating assistance to the victim(s) and making referrals to the appropriate agencies where corrective measures are needed. A yearly report is produced and shared with the appropriate outlets. The Federation works directly with local law enforcement agencies to handle anti-Semitism and hate crimes.
Legislative Activities Affecting the Jewish Community
The JCRC monitors local, state and federal legislation and its effect on the Jewish community. For state issues, it works in conjunction with other JCRCs throughout Florida. For federal and international issues affecting Jews throughout the nation and the world, it works with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the national organization for JCRCs. That work includes advocacy for Israel – an activity that is the primary function of the Israel Advocacy Committee.