4 minute read
Women’s Cultural Alliance
from Connections 2021
by jewishnaples
TThe Women’s Cultural Alliance (WCA), an affinity group of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, provides the opportunity for its members to meet other women, who share similar interests, through a wide variety of programming. If you are new to Southwest Florida, membership in WCA is an easy way to become an active participant in your new community. Life in Florida is greatly enhanced by the wonderful women and activities that make up WCA.
This season marks the 13th year of WCA providing its membership with a multitude of cultural, educational, fitness and purely social events. WCA’s extensive program offerings typically include an array of interest groups for women who enjoy reading (seven book groups), playing games (bridge, mah jongg, scrabble and canasta), physical exercise (biking, bowling, chair yoga, golf, walking), food (“Serious Foodies”), music (“Jazz Junkies” and “Second Act Singers”), movies and film (two film groups), crafts (knitting, crocheting, needlepoint), birdwatching, drama and literature (“Modern Playwrights” and two “New Yorker” groups) – and more!
In response to COVID-19, which required everyone to social distance, WCA had to drastically change its plans for this season. But not even this unprecedented pandemic could deter WCA from meeting its goal of bringing like-minded women together through programming that offers something for everyone. They jumped in full force and quickly took advantage of “Zoom” to continue their programming.
WCA offers classes on topics ranging from cards and fused glass to Spanish, French, memoir writing, Ikebana, Jewish Genealogy and more. A highlight of WCA programming is its phenomenal Speaker Series. Unfortunately, the very popular bus trips to unique destinations had to be indefinitely postponed.
WCA has always had a strong social component, with opportunities to meet new people and renew friendships. This year, the traditional Welcome Back Luncheon was transformed into the virtual celebration, “Happy Hour and a Half.” While Mah Jongg and Canasta Days as well as the International Pot Luck have to be postponed until next season, members still have opportunities to meet for tea, coffee, lunch or cocktails, and even to participate in art studio tours. However, this season, they will all be through Zoom. WCA is also proud to continue its annual sponsorship of the 2020-21 (virtual) Jewish Book Festival.
One of the wonderful things about WCA activities is that they are all run by volunteers. Volunteering not only enables WCA to offer a wide variety of programs, it also provides an easy way to become involved and to make new friends.
WCA’s programming in Southwest Florida is year-round. To better serve its members, WCA offers programs for couples and has two “Satellite Groups,” each offering a wide variety of additional programs during the year: WCA North serves women who live in the Bonita Springs, Estero and South Fort Myers areas; WCA South serves members who live in the Southern and Eastern areas of Southwest Florida – along the East Trail down to Marco Island. The programs offered by WCA North and South are open to all WCA Members.
WCA members had such a wonderful time in Southwest Florida that they wanted to be able to “take WCA home with them” in the summer. In response, WCA established “Summer Branches” in several areas throughout North America so that WCA members, who return north over the summer, are able to continue the wonderful friendships they had formed with WCA members from the same city. Branches have been established in Canada, the Berkshires, Boston Metro North, Connecticut, Del Valley (New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware), Illinois, Michigan, New York City/Metro New Jersey, and Washington DC/Virginia/Maryland.
The wide range of programs that WCA offers is not the only reason that more than 1,200 women have joined WCA, even during this pandemic! With most members being transplants from other cities, WCA provides an easy path to enjoying a new life with new friends and becoming involved in the community. Nonpartisan and nonsectarian, WCA welcomes women of all faiths. But you must be a member of WCA to participate in its programs.
If you are not already a WCA member, join today. The WCA membership year runs from September 1 through August 31, but new members are always welcome. Membership in WCA automatically makes you a member of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
Please visit WomensCulturalAlliance.com for more information about WCA or for a membership form. (You will be able to pay online with a credit card.) A membership form is also in every issue of the Federation Star.
Questions? Contact WCA Membership Director Harriett Kleinman at hmkleinman@ gmail.com.
WCA Speaker Series Topics
Throughout the year, WCA offers lectures presented by a wide variety of outstanding speakers. Selected topics for the 2020-21 Speaker Series include:
• From the Newsroom to the Art Studio
• Women’s Financial Lives
• The Electoral College
• Medicare 101
• The National Popular Vote
• Family Birding Fun in Southwest Florida
• Gene Therapy: The New Frontier
• An Immigrant’s Search for Identity
• Roe v. Wade
• Cooper’s Moon Trilogy
• Pink Breast (Breast Cancer Awareness)
• From Liberation to Loss and Love
• The Golden Age of the Catskills
• Self-Esteem
• Terrorism
• Anxiety
• Turning White House Experience into Thrillers