3 minute read
Naples Senior Center at JFCS
from Connections 2021
by jewishnaples
Naples Senior Center at JFCS empowers seniors and their families by giving them tools to address life’s challenges. Naples Senior Center, located at 5025 Castello Drive in Naples, provides services to the communities of Collier and southern Lee counties.
Senior Center
On Jan. 22, 2014, Naples Senior Center at JFCS opened the doors to the first senior center in Collier County. The Naples Senior Center is a vibrant place for seniors to socialize, receive services and participate in a variety of stimulating programs. Open to all denominations of adults 60 years and older, the Naples Senior Center helps them maintain a healthy, satisfying quality of life by providing services and activities in a nurturing environment. Presently, the Center has 1,400 members.
Offering a weekly lunch program followed by entertainment, the Center is open five days a week. Over 100 different activities, including art classes, computer instruction, movie afternoons, lectures, cards, discussion groups, foreign language classes, book club, and tai chi and other exercise programs are part of the Center’s vibrant programs.
Annual membership is $25 per person. There are no additional fees. Scholarships are available for those who cannot afford to pay. Reservations are requested for Lunch and More and specific programs.
The Naples Senior Center provides a variety of core programs and services as follows:
Geriatric Case Management and Senior Outreach
The Naples Senior Center at JFCS Geriatric Case Management and Senior Outreach program includes a variety of supportive services to frail seniors who are unable to come into the office. The program provides a wide range of services addressing the isolation of the frail elderly. Among those services are:
• Geriatric case management
• Information and referral
• Friendly visiting
• Volunteer driving
• Telephone reassurance
Dementia Respite and Memory Support
The Center currently has 11 dementia respite groups for men and women who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Seven groups are in Naples and two are on Marco Island. The four-hour, highly structured and supportive groups are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals and a corps of highly trained volunteers.
Activities include Dakim Brain Fitness; art and music therapy; activities that strengthen language and organizational skills; and reminiscence activities. The groups provide a cognitively stimulating experience in a safe and nurturing environment for the person with dementia and four hours of respite for the caregiver. Caregivers receive support through a variety of programs, including professionally facilitated support groups, individual support, socialization activities and membership in an exclusive Facebook group.
Early Memory Loss Program The Early Memory Loss (EML) program is designed to preserve and challenge cognitive abilities, teach memory strategies and encourage active lifestyles. The program serves individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), early memory loss or individuals with a significant concern about their memory. The program is for individuals who are mindful of the challenges they are experiencing and choose to participate in group activities that promote brain health. It is facilitated by a licensed clinical social worker.
Emotional Support Services
In the Center’s emotional support services offered to seniors and their families, licensed social workers and counselors assist with challenges brought about by life transitions such as aging, cognitive decline and loss of a loved one.
Financial Assistance
Direct assistance is available on an emergency, short-term basis to help pay utilities and for the purchase of food. Financial assistance is provided on a case-by-case basis. The Naples Senior Center at JFCS Food Pantry is available to the community.
Information and Referral
Information about community resources and referrals to appropriate agencies for specific needs, such as housing, assisted living and home health care agencies, are available.
Volunteer Services
The Center’s vibrant volunteer program serves the frail senior population participating in the case management program. The Center is always looking for new volunteers, who are interested in making a difference in someone’s life. Volunteer opportunities include:
• Friendly visits to the frail, homebound senior
• Telephone reassurance calls to the frail, homebound senior
• Driving seniors to life-sustaining activities, such as doctor visits, and quality-of-life activities, like visiting a loved one in a nursing home
• Assisting at the Naples Senior Center
• Providing assistance in the dementia respite programs
Members of the community are invited to visit the Center. For an up to-date calendar of activities, visit our website at www.naplesseniorcenter.org.