2 minute read
Israel Advocacy Committee (IAC)
from Connections 2023
by jewishnaples
Believing the state of Israel to be essential to the Jews of today and tomorrow, Federation’s Israel Advocacy Committee is tasked with educating and inspiring its community about Israel. The committee brings a variety of Israel programs to the Naples community each season.
The IAC is chaired by Harvey Cohen and Myra Benedikt. Members of the committee include snowbirds and fulltimers who share a deep passion for Israel.
In its 2022-2023 season, participants have already heard from Herb Keinon of the Jerusalem Post and Lyn Julius, a prolific author about Sephardic and Mizrachi Jewish communities. On March 16, we welcome back the Israel Tennis and Education Centers (ITEC) was back for another thrilling exhibition by a team of children from Israel. At this event, the children showcase their skills at a clinic run by their coach and talk about how ITEC has positively impacted their lives. A new feature this year will be the children playing doubles matches with local tennis professionals. The Vineyards will open its tennis facilities to ITEC and an audience of tennis enthusiasts.
On March 26, IAC will celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary with a ‘birthday party’ at the newly opened Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. The entire Naples community is invited to share in the many emotions toward, and accomplishments of, this tiny nation. Chaired by Tracy and Michael Askotzky and Cathy and Phil Zacks, the event has representatives from a multitude of Israeli and community organizations, along with Israeli foods and products.
The IAC is currently recruiting additional members. If you’re passionate about Israel and want to be a voice to help promote its mission, please contact Reneé Bialek, program director at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples at RBialek@jewishnaples.org.