2 minute read
Julie Silver returns to Naples
from Connections 2023
by jewishnaples
After a 5-year absence, the ebullient Julie Silver, an icon of contemporary Jewish music, returns in concert Thursday, Feb. 2 to grace Naples Jewish Congregation’s stage. Silver last regaled us with her unique blend of joyous song and heartfelt storytelling in February 2018. Although she has wanted to return to Naples for some time now, the pandemic intervened. She is thrilled to be “back on the road” after a most trying several years for performers like her.
Many of us are familiar with the arc of Silver’s career as one of the most celebrated and beloved of today’s performers of contemporary Jewish music. She has created some of the most successful and bestselling albums of original contemporary Jewish music, with her songs becoming “standards” in camp, worship and academic settings.
Silver has collaborated with other Jewish singers and songwriters, participating in social action/social justice projects, all dedicated to the work of making the Jewish experience more meaningful and seeking to make the world a better place. Her focus has often been on those who have historically been marginalized in our society, seeking to bring all into the tent of inclusion and acceptance.
Silver exudes an irrepressible yearning to connect with others through her love of Jewish music. She is imbued with an enthusiasm borne of music’s capacity to provoke a sense of wonder, curiosity, empathy and humanity. She is ecstatic about returning to Naples to revel in bringing our community together in song.
Please mark your calendar for Thursday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. and join us at NJC for a memorable evening with Julie Silver. You can expect an exquisitely beautiful, at times achingly wistful and playfully whimsical, blending of the lyrical and the spiritual in song, pouring forth from the wellspring of Julie’s heart and soul, with love, compassion and empathy always in the forefront, suffused with unbridled joy and thoughtful grace.
It will be a magical music experience that you will not soon forget.