3 minute read
Chabad of Naples Jewish Community Center
from Connections 2023
by jewishnaples
The Alex and Carol Glassman Chabad Naples Jewish Community Center has become an immensely popular center for Jews of all backgrounds who want to learn more about their Jewish roots. Located in the heart of Naples, Chabad offers a wide variety of educational and spiritual opportunities, including Torah classes and lectures, Shabbat dinners and an array of engaging family and social programs.
Established by Rabbi Fishel and Ettie Zaklos in 2004, Chabad of Naples brings traditional values to life in a meaningful, nonjudgmental environment.
At Chabad, every Jew is family! Judaism is joyful, authentic and encouraging. There is something for everyone, and everyone is always welcome to attend — just ask its many frequent attendees.

Rabbi Fishel and Ettie Zaklos
The state-of-the-art 22,000-squarefoot community center hosts a beautifully designed synagogue, social hall, kosher kitchen, award-winning preschool, Hebrew school and shaded playground.
The spacious campus serves all segments of the Jewish community regardless of a person’s level of religious observance. Guided by a deep commitment to the Naples community, Chabad’s leadership creates programming and events that promote the highest quality of educational scholarship, pride and joy in one’s Jewish identity, and unconditional acceptance and love for every person.
Welcoming, easy-to-follow Shabbat services are held every Saturday morning with English translation/transliteration prayer books, followed by a Kiddush luncheon and social hour. Meaningful children’s Shabbat programs and services are also available. Holiday programs throughout the year include a communitywide Chanukah extravaganza with a giant public menorah lighting, a sukkah, Purim parties, Passover Seders and High Holiday services.
Preschool of the Arts and Summer of the Arts, Chabad’s acclaimed arts-based preschool and summer camp, have been widely recognized as local pioneers in Jewish youth engagement. Chabad of Naples offers “Flying Challah,” gifts of freshly baked Challah that are hand delivered to randomly selected people in the community.
Chabad of Naples welcomes everyone to visit and participate in its services and special events. Come experience welcoming hospitality, the benchmark for acceptance and appreciation extended to all who attend.

1789 Mandarin Road
Naples, FL 34102 239-262-4474 info@chabadnaples.com www.chabadnaples.com
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
Ettie Zaklos, Dir. of Education Arthur Seigel MD, President
Movement/Affiliation: Chabad
Programs/Features: Weekly Saturday morning services and kiddush, Preschool of the Arts, Hebrew School, Adult Jewish Learning Institute, Shabbat Dinners, Holiday Programs, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program, Camp Gan Israel, Summer of the Arts, Women’s Circle, Flying Challahs, Friendship Circle, Judaica Shop, Men’s Club, Community Care, Partner Project