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Dear Friends and Members of our Jewish Community,
As the newly appointed President & CEO of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, it is both an honor and a profound privilege to join this remarkable community and lead our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers. Our shared mission is to support, nurture and build a vibrant Jewish community that spans generations and embraces every individual who calls this beautiful region home.
In Pirke Avot 1:5, we are encouraged to follow in Abraham, our forefather’s, footsteps with the guidance that our homes should “be open wide” — a powerful directive that resonates deeply with our Federation’s core values. Here in Greater Naples, we interpret this wisdom not just as a physical invitation, but as a spiritual and communal embrace. Our doors at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center are open wide to everyone every day — those who have grown roots in this community generations ago to our seasonal residents to newcomers seeking connection and to every individual who wishes to be part of our extended family.
To paraphrase the great Rabbi Judah Leon Magnes, the first Chancellor of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Just as Hanukkah candles are lighted one by one from a single flame,” so is community built from one person to another, “from one house to another, and to the whole House of Israel throughout the generations.” This profound metaphor captures the essence of our work. Like those flickering Hanukkah lights, we believe that community grows through intentional, personal connections — each interaction adding warmth, light and meaning to our collective experience.
Our Connections magazine is more than just a publication; it is a bridge. Within these pages, you’ll find a comprehensive resource designed to support, promote and facilitate meaningful interactions across our community. From event calendars and organizational directories to program information and personal stories, this magazine represents our commitment to creating a robust, interconnected Jewish community in Greater Naples.
We understand that “home” means different things to different people. For some, it is a physical space; for others, it is a feeling of belonging, of being understood and valued. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is dedicated to creating that sense of home for everyone — a welcoming, inclusive environment where tradition meets innovation, where diverse Jewish experiences are celebrated, and where every individual can find their place.
As we look toward the future, our vision remains clear: to ensure a vibrant, active and sustained Jewish community for generations to come. We cannot accomplish this alone. It will take each of us, working together, supporting one another and remaining open to new connections and possibilities … because we are stronger together!
With warmth and anticipation of the wonderful journeys ahead,
Nammie Ichilov President & CEO