7 minute read
Who is “Federation” and What Do We Do?
The answer is simple: It’s you — and every member of the Jewish community of Greater Naples and the surrounding areas. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is the thread that runs through the fabric of our Jewish community, its organizations and services, connecting us all. Federation is your center for Jewish philanthropy.
Federation supports programs for Jewish people in need in Greater Naples, Israel and throughout the world, providing food for the hungry and counseling for the troubled, spearheading rescue and relief efforts for isolated Jews in distressed regions, and funding innovative Jewish educational and unity initiatives.
Federation creates a sense of community for thousands of Jewish residents in Greater Naples and its surrounding areas by developing and supporting programs to further Jewish learning, identity, pride and culture. Federation meets the challenge of providing for the needs of our Jewish brethren, from young children and families to seniors.
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing connection, advocacy, education and care for anyone in need through its network of beneficiary and constituent agencies as well as local Jewish organizations. In fact, it is recognized as one of the best charitable organizations in the U.S. by “Charity Navigator.” Our Federation is identified as a four-star charity — the best possible identification! While Federation is doing this here, other federations and network communities are doing the same elsewhere; all are connected through Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).

Founded on the principles of unity and dignity for all, our Federation has evolved into a major fundraising, planning and coordinating entity of the Greater Naples Jewish community. Jewish Federations of North America are meeting places for Jews from all backgrounds, ensuring the continuity of the Jewish people here at home, through national initiatives, in Israel and in 60 countries globally.
Through your support of Federation’s Annual Community Campaign, you play a vital role in helping Federation “get the job done.” Think of it as a triangle: Federation, its agencies and you. So, if anyone asks you who Federation is, just point to yourself because that’s where it all begins.
Where does the money go?
The local campaign allocation process involves a committee of volunteers as well as Federation staff. They take part in this important process, which balances available resources with community priorities through a grant process.
Locally, Federation makes a grant to Baker Senior Center Naples in support of the social services it provides for our community. And grants are made in support of a variety of educational and cultural programs conducted by local synagogues, Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center and other local Jewish organizations.
Additionally, several national organizations receive support from our domestic allocation. Internationally, your contribution works to support a broad range of social, educational and vocational needs throughout the Jewish world.
Our allocation to JFNA is distributed to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), which brings relief to the needy and works to revitalize Jewish life in 60 countries, and the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), which rescues people from countries and resettles them in Israel.
We also provide supplemental grants in support of special programs and projects that our community has embraced, including Neve Michael Children’s Village in Pardes Hana, Israel and the Sapir Center in Kfar Saba, Israel.
Giving tzedakah to an umbrella organization like Federation, which then distributes it to a number of member agencies, has its roots in early Jewish history. In small towns and large cities, donations were given to a communal kupah (collection/charity) as an expression of devotion to community and the entire Jewish people. It demonstrates a love of community that is without limitation.
Annual Community Campaign
The annual fundraising arm of JFGN is organized to secure maximum funds to meet the financial needs of our local, regional, national and overseas humanitarian organizations and beneficiary agencies.
Major Gifts and Lions of Judah Campaigns
Major Gifts and Lions of Judah are the premier fundraising divisions of Jewish Federation. These divisions provide exclusive social experiences to the community’s leading Jewish philanthropists who give a major portion of the Annual Campaign dollars raised each year. These donors are dedicated leaders involved in Federation’s extended lifeline of humanitarian relief and support.

Pomegranate Society
Federation’s Pomegranate Society was formed in 2017 for women who make a minimum gift to the Annual Campaign of $1,800 in her own name. The Pomegranate Society program represents the best of what Federation does, bringing together like-minded women to do a world of good — promoting, supporting, enhancing and celebrating Jewish life.
JeWEL Society
A new women’s group, The JeWEL Society, has just been formed. The name stands for Jewish Women Emerging Leaders and embodies the philanthropic endeavors of a new generation of Jewish leaders who are taking personal responsibility for the continuity of Jewish identity in our community.
TOP Jewish Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples has a legacy partner called TOP Jewish Foundation, which began over four decades ago as a regional endeavor of three Jewish Federations (Tampa, Orlando, Pinellas). Since its inception, TOP has grown to manage well over $60 million of community assets and has taken a leading role in promoting and securing legacy gifts and commitments, ensuring a strong Jewish future.
TOP prides itself on maintaining a strict anti-terror and anti-BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) investment policy. It has worked with its investment manager, Goldman Sachs, to create a screening tool that does not allow any such problematic companies to enter its portfolio.

TOP offers its partners — organizations and individuals just like you — a level of white-glove service, regardless of your fund’s balance. As a partnership, it recognizes that it is through your generosity that our entire community can continue to grow in strength.
Finally, in working with TOP for your philanthropic goals, you’ll find that it truly lives up to its tagline: We make giving easy.
For more information about TOP, please contact Development Director Alicia Feldman at 239-263-4205 or afeldman@jewishnaples.org.
Community Outreach
Each year, Federation hosts numerous events, affording the community opportunities to gather, socialize, network and connect.
Some of the larger events include:
• Our 10th Annual Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival featuring 10 presentations.
• The community Chanukah celebrations in Naples and on Marco Island, which are always festive events, with the lighting of the giant menorah.
• Federation has sponsored visits and performances of the Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan since 2015, and we look forward to their return.
Federation publishes the Federation Star, a monthly newspaper that is mailed to more than 3,400 Jewish households in the Greater Naples area. The newspaper is the one publication that ties together our Jewish community. If something local is happening that is Jewish related, you’ll read about it in the Federation Star. Past issues can be viewed online at jewishnaples.org.
Federation also compiles, updates and distributes this Connections publication.
Visitors to jewishnaples.org will find a wealth of information, including upcoming Federation events, the community calendar, Women’s Cultural Alliance, Men’s Cultural Alliance, and links to news items relating to Israel and the Jewish world. There is also a directory of local synagogues and organizations, and links to online versions of recent issues of the Federation Star and this publication.
Community Calendar
As the community clearinghouse to coordinate services, Federation compiles and maintains a calendar for scheduling meetings and events of all Jewish organizations in the area, in an effort to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Each week, Federation emails a community eNewsletter with the latest on upcoming community events and cultural activities, news from Israel, important news updates and more. To sign up, please send your request to info@jewishnaples.org.
And so much more
These are just some of the highlights to answer the question, “Who is Federation and what do we do?” You’ll find lots more in this resource guide, courtesy of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.