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Southwest Florida Chevra Kadisha
(also known as “Jewish Burial Society”)
Southwest Florida Chevra Kadisha is here to help any Jewish family, from Naples to Venice, with the age-old traditional preparation of the body of your departed loved one before burial. We work with all area rabbis, congregations and funeral parlors, having teams for both men and women, and are on call at all times (aside from Shabbos and Jewish holidays).
We also offer advice and counsel before the time of death if a family needs more information or guidance, and it seems a loved one’s demise is imminent. Southwest Florida Chevra Kadisha is ready to assist when that hour of need is upon you. The organization can also help you find the appropriate document for a halachic “living will” to ensure proper measures will be taken when the time comes.
You may contact us at swflorida chevrakadisha@gmail.com or by phone: reach men’s team leader Shmuel Aaron Forsher at 609-315-2300; reach women’s team leader Malka Forshner at 786-319-6844.