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Chabad Naples update
By Rabbi Fishel
Chabad of Naples is maintaining its high level of serving and caring for the community in both traditional and COVID-responsive ways. We are continuing our ongoing services and strive to be here for the community in every imaginable way. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you are aware of someone who needs a little TLC.
Pesach kept us very busy again this year, with enjoyable tasks, like distributing hundreds of boxes of Schmurah Matzah, Seder kits-to-go and kosher Passover meals for those in need.
You can join our limited services for the last days of Pesach and for Yizkor. To submit names of people you would like us to pray for, please notify our office by emailing office@chabadnaples.com.
COVID -19 vaccine assistance
We are very grateful to our dedicated team of volunteers, who have been working tirelessly to secure vaccination appointments for people in the community.
Special mention goes to Tori Fuchs, a Hebrew school student who made it her mitzvah project for her upcoming Bat Mitzvah. She is good with computers and has been in touch with people, calling and comforting them.
If you know of someone who needs assistance, please reach out to us and we will attempt to help them.
The flying challah
Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message in the form of a tasty fresh challah. What a lovely way to say that, during this challenging time, we, and the community, are here for you! Nominate a recipient by sending us an email and we will have it delivered.
If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are always here to help make a minyan during the week. We are so grateful to those who help us with this minyan service, when called. There have been so many minyanim during the week and it is amazing to see how the community comes together for each other.
Lag B’omer
This year, we will celebrate this joyous holiday to coincide with Appreciation Day, when we recognize our teachers who do so much for our students. The children will celebrate in the beautiful Garden of the Arts and the outdoor classroom, as Lag B’omer is a celebration of the beauty of nature and how G-d is in everything.
Here’s a chance to stop and recognize the unity and the godliness in all. Visit our website closer to Friday, April 30 for an updated plan to celebrate as a community.
Volunteer assistance
Our volunteers continue to be available if elderly or homebound people need help shopping for groceries or medicine. Just let us know.
Shabbat services
We offer limited, abbreviated indoor Shabbat services from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Reservations must be made in advance, seating is limited, and you will receive the full guidelines and policy upon receipt of your RSVP. Safety is our primary concern.
Torah class
A Zoom Torah class is being offered on Wednesday at 11 a.m. If you wish to join, please RSVP to our office and we will send you the link. As the schedule changes at times, please reach out to confirm weekly.
Hebrew school
We are currently offering in-person Hebrew school. All children and teachers wear masks and social distancing is practiced. Please sign up if your children wish to participate. Call 239-262-4474 or email office@chabadnaples.com.
Rabbi Fishel offers a video each week. If you want to receive them, reach out to office@chabadnaples.com and we will place you on the weekly email list. You can also view the past 12 months’ worth of videos at www.chabadnaples.com.
Summer camp
Summer Camp registration is open — you may sign up now. For more information, visit naplespreschoolof thearts.com.