2 minute read
Meet the Karnilow family
PJ family spotlight
By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library Coordinator
Q : What are the names of the family members?
A: Jon, Amy, Sophia (10) and Ethan (8)
Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?

Written by Carol Chapman, Illustrated by Arnold Lobel
A: The kids are always super excited when we bring in the mail and they see something new from PJ Library! It’s guaranteed that we will be reading their new PJ Library books before bed that night.
Q: What do you like about PJ Library books?
A: As parents, we love that PJ Library books reference not only Jewish holidays, traditions and customs, but they also teach important life lessons to our children. Q: Do you belong to a synagogue? A: We belong to Temple Shalom and love it. The kids love going to YeSH (Sunday school) each week. And Sophia just received her Bat Mitzvah date, which we are all very excited about.
Q: What is your family’s favorite PJ Library book?

Amy and Jon Karnilow with their children, Ethan and Sophia
A: Their favorite PJ Library book (and mine) is “Meshka the Kvetch.” It tells the story of Meshka, the village complainer who literally complains about everything in her life, including her children! One day all her complaints come true, and she finally realizes to be grateful for what she already has instead of complaining. I think this is a reminder we all need from time to time.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight Family please let us know! Email Alicia Feldman@ programs@jewishnaples.org.
Follow us on Facebook @PJLibraryNaplesFL.