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Temple Shalom events open to the community
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
Temple Shalom invites you to the following events that are open to the community at large.
Torah Talk
Join this lay-led discussion via Zoom of the week’s Torah portion every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. Please contact the Temple Shalom office at info@naples temple.org for the Zoom link.
Jewish Yoga
Join yoga teacher, Missy Balsam, via Zoom, as she guides you through an alllevels gentle yoga stretch session, interwoven with Jewish spiritual teachings, designed to relieve stress and calm the mind. This class will be practiced lying down and seated on the floor. Mondays at 11 a.m., no experience necessary. The cost is $54 for an 8-week session. Call the Temple Shalom office to register and receive the Zoom information.
Shabbat ShaPlay
Join Rabbi Boxman and Miss Jane on Saturday, March 12 at 10 a.m. as we sing, dance, play and celebrate Shabbat in the park. All young families are invited to attend. Temple Shalom membership is not required. To register, contact Education Administrative Assistant Paolette Matute at 239- 455-2233 or pmatute@naplestemple.org.
Mitzvah Day
Mitzvah Day is Sunday, April 24, beginning at 9 a.m. with a breakfast generously provided by the Temple Shalom Men’s Club. If you are looking to make a difference in helping combat hunger in our community, you won’t want to miss this. Feel the joy of participating in a great social action event and experience the unique opportunity to help package 50,000 meals for Meals of Hope with hundreds of our One Family members.
Other opportunities to participate include donating travel-sized toiletries for students in need right here in Collier County (and helping to pack them), Laces of Love new sneaker collection, baking dog biscuits for the animal shelter, and more! For more information on how you can help, please visit our website at www. naplestemple.org or contact the Tikkun Olam Volunteers of Temple Shalom at TempleShalomTOV@gmail.com.
Shabbat on the Beach
Join us on Lowdermilk Park beach on Friday, April 22 for a beautiful sunset Shabbat service at 7 p.m. We meet at the north end of the beach. Don’t forget a beach chair!
Scholar-in-Residence weekend
Friday, April 29 through Sunday, May 1, Rabbi Norman Cohen, professor emeritus of Midrash at HUC-JIR/New York, joins us for a weekend of informative lectures on the theme of “Moses as Every Person.”
The lecture series kicks off during Shabbat services on Friday evening with, “Moses’ Struggle with His Own Self-Doubts: Confronting Our Own Demons.” On Saturday, during the Kiddush luncheon following services, Rabbi Cohen continues the series with, “Moses Suffers the Loss of Miriam and Aaron: Dealing with the Deaths of Those Whom We Love.” On Sunday at 9:30 a.m., the series concludes with the topic, “Moses as Brother: His Relationship with Miriam and Aaron, and Our Relationships as Siblings.”
These events are free and open to the public. For more information on the Scholar-in-Residence program, visit the Temple Shalom website or contact the Temple Shalom education office at education@naplestemple.org. The Scholar-in-Residence program is generously supported by the Shirley and Henry Kraus Scholar-in-Residence Fund.