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Naples community celebrates the land and people of Israel at local breakfast

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On Wednesday, March 2, local community members gathered to support a bright, prosperous future for the land and people of Israel at Jewish National Fund-USA’s first-ever Breakfast for Israel in the region.

Held at Artis—Naples, the in-person event featured Liel Leibovitz, Tablet Magazine’s editor-at-large and the co-host of “Unorthodox,” a leading Jewish podcast that offers listeners a fresh and fun take on Jewish news, ideas and culture. Leibovitz’s keynote speech addressed the rise of antisemitism and ways one can establish a meaningful and nurturing Jewish identity.

Liel Leibovitz, editor-at-large, Tablet Magazine; Sue Bookbinder, member, Jewish National Fund-USA Naples Board of Directors; David Braverman, president, Jewish National Fund-USA Naples Board of Directors

Attendees also learned about Jewish National Fund-USA’s “One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade,” which has seen the organization develop new communities, connect the next generation to Israel, and create infrastructure and programs that support ecology, individuals with special needs, heritage site preservation and more.

“I couldn’t be prouder of our work to help families in Israel’s Negev and Galilee regions find full, meaningful lives filled with endless opportunities,” said David Braverman, president of JNF-USA’s Naples board of directors. “If you’re a Zionist, if you love Israel, and if ensuring the future of a thriving Jewish homeland for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren is important to you, I implore you to learn more about JNF-USA’s incredible work in Israel.”

For more information about Jewish National Fund-USA or to learn about future events in Naples, contact Joshua Mellits, JNF-USA director, Western Florida at 941-462-1330 x865 or jmellits@jnf.org.

Liel Leibovitz, editor-at-large, Tablet Magazine

Paula Filler; Estelle Price, member, Jewish National Fund-USA Naples Board of Directors; Jeffrey Feld, president and CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples; Stuart Price, member, Jewish National Fund-USA Naples Board of Directors; Robin Mintz; Susan Pittelman, Joel Pittelman

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