2 minute read

Weight loss starts with what you put in your mind, not your mouth

By Diane Lynn, Certifed Weight Loss Coach

Have you ever thought about your thoughts? We each have about 60,000 thoughts per day and were never taught to manage them. They just run through our brains like unsupervised toddlers running with scissors! But our thoughts shape our lives. What you believe about what’s possible will likely become true. If you believe you will graduate college and become successful in business, you’ll likely do those things. But if you don’t think you’ll finish college or succeed in business, that’s also likely to become true for you.

We should have been taught in childhood that we are not our thoughts or our brains, we are the managers of our thoughts and brains. And that’s actually good news, because it means we’re in control, not anyone else! If you have thoughts like “I have to eat everything on my plate” or “It’s not polite to refuse when someone offers food,” those thoughts will lead you to eat more. It would be better to think things like “I can save that for later” or “My friend won’t mind if I don’t eat her dessert.”

It's possible to change unhelpful thoughts to helpful ones via brain training. I learned how and it was life changing! I lost 65 lbs. and became a weight loss coach so I could help others like me who have been struggling for years. Now I’m teaching classes to show you how to do it, too. Check out the class description on the JFGN website and register for our new series starting on Tuesday, April 4 at 4 p.m. (EST).

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is sponsoring these classes and a portion of the $297 per person tuition will benefit them. Six consecutive classes meet online via Zoom once a week for an hour. If you need to miss a class, arrangements can be made for you to watch a recording. Register at www.jewishnaples.org.

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