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Friends of Celebrate Israel
As of March 4, 2023, the following individuals have donated $75 to support the community-wide Celebrate Israel @ 75 event commemorating Israel’s 75th anniversary. You can still join this esteemed group by going to https://jfgn.regfox.com/friends-celebrate-israel-at-75 to become s friend as well.
Jack Abel
Dov Almog
Abby Askotzky
Tracy & Michael Askotzky
Marsha Auslander
Frank Baum
Stacey Baum
Myra & Bill Benedikt
Rosalee & Jerry Bogo
Stuart Brown
Danielle Ciccoli
Katie & Harvey Cohen
Sandra Diamond
Steven Einhorn
Richard Endlar
Sally Ann Endleman
Lisa Freund
Sid Freund
Genine Fidler
Josh Fidler
Paula Filler
Ron Filler
Barbara Gage
Pat & Bob Gage
Fran & Rich Goldberg
Gene Goldenziel
Mel Goldfine
Susie Goldsmith
Glenda & Kenneth Gordon
Helene & Alan Gordon
Jill Gordon
Monica & Allan Goodwin
Sherry & Howard Greenfield
Michael Gurtman
Myra Hackel
Robin Hendricksen
Carol & Burton Hirsch
Stephen Iser
Rolly Jacob
Andy Karpman
Bobbie & Gene Katz
Emery Koenig
Pam Krangel
Dr. Jerry Kumin
Arlene Levin
Colin Lewis
Harriet & Merlin Lickhalter
Lois Lourie
Bob Lubin
Leda Lubin
Ida & Je Margolis
Susan & Joel Pittelman
Steve Podolsky
Rochelle Pollens
Jack Rabin
Nat Ritter
Susan Ritter
Andrea Roisman
Linda & Allen Saeks
Joan & Marc Saperstein
Jane Schiff
Shelley & Mark Schloss
Jim Simon
Michael Sobol
Leslie & Mel Springman
Joyce Steckman
Bob Werner
Goldie Wetcher
Allen & Sharon White
Nancy Wiadro
Cathy & Philip Zacks
Michael Zeman