2 minute read
Israel Scouts return to Naples
By Jeff Margolis
The Israel Scouts Caravan (Tzofim) will return to Greater Naples for one performance on Tuesday, June 20 at 7 p.m. The program will take place at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on Pine Ridge Road in Naples.
The Israel Scout Friendship Caravan has been bringing its high-energy friendship and excitement for over 40 years. The very first Caravan to the U.S. was in 1973, when inspirational songs and stories in a spirit of friendship from the people of Israel were brought to the people of the United States. Audiences in the Naples area have enjoyed their high-spirited programs for years.
The Tzofim Caravan is comprised of a group of five boys and five girls and their two leaders. They are chosen to become part of the troop based on their maturity, fluency in English and talent. Members must go through several competitive auditions as well as personal interviews. For more information and reservations, please contact Reneé Bialek at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.
Volunteers are needed to serve as host families for the Scouts' Naples visit. If interested, please contact Bialek for details. This event is free and open to the entire community.