5 minute read

“More after the break”

By Gayle Dorio, Jewish Book Festival Chair

One of our last authors, Jen Maxfield, aptly uses the phrase “more after the break” as the title of her book. She was a reporter and stories always continued after the break. So, too, does the Jewish Book Festival of Greater Naples! We presented 16 authors this past season at 14 events. Now, we have a short break before the next season. I hope you have enjoyed this season.

It has been a privilege to be the volunteer chair of the Jewish Book Festival for the past two seasons. I appreciate the opportunity to create events to entertain and engage you, and make you feel the beauty of this community. I have often said it is a labor of love being on the JBF committee, certainly working as the volunteer chair. Now, as with “more after the break,” it is time for me to step aside. I want to offer my most sincere thanks to everyone who has been part of this.

Goodbye from Gayle Dorio and Gloriana the Great!

At each Book Festival event, I offer thanks for the support and assistance provided by so many people and organizations. This article is about gratitude! Thank you! Sincerest thanks for everything!

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, now at its brand-new home – the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center – has opened its doors to everyone. Instead of every organization searching for venues, we can all come together there! Federation began the Jewish Book Festival eight years ago. I don’t know how long the other entities began but imagine all that Federation offers:

• The groups – Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel Advocacy Committee, Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish War Veterans, JRCA-Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance, JYP-Jewish Young Professionals of Greater Naples, MCA, PJ Library, Singles Social Group, WCA and Women’s Philanthropy

• The major events – Annual campaign kickoff , Chanukah Celebration, Celebrate Israel, Israel Scouts, JCRC Day of Learning, Jewish Summer Book Club, Jewish Book Festival, Majors/Lion of Judah, Power of Community Celebration, Shop with a Sheri and Yom Hashoah

• The outreach community support –requests for funds as needed to provide for those suffering from hurricanes, tragedies and worldwide events. And I’m probably forgetting some other things, too…

It’s almost exhausting thinking about everything Federation does. And they do it!

My first todah rabah is for Jewish Federation of Greater Naples that makes all this possible!

Thank you to the members of the Jewish Book Festival Committee – for their advice, book reviews, guidance and suggestions. Their names are published at every event and in the Federation Star. The committee helped finalize the recommendations of the “Author Review Team” (Emily Berkowitz, Reneé Bialek, Jan Goldman, Carol Hirsch and me). Several members renewed sponsors and solicited new ones. The Preview Event, under the direction of Iris Shur and Steve Yussen, started the season off with a bang. Carole Greene has written excellent book reviews published in the Federation Star for many years. And to the committee members who always volunteer to help greet, sign in, usher and provide support, you are all so greatly appreciated!

Thank you to the 209 patrons, whose financial support and enthusiasm for Book Festival events make the Book Festival possible. So many patrons continue year after year. You truly are the foundation we need.

Thank you to the 24 sponsors, including many long-time sponsors as well as a first-time sponsor. We know that even though circumstances are sometimes difficult, you continue your support. We are extremely grateful as we cannot continue without you.

Thank you to the hard working “Author Champions:” Emily Berkowitz, Irene Pomerantz, Spencer Forman, Ida and Jeff Margolis, Iris Shur, Carol Hirsch, Lenore Greenstein, Susan Pittelman, Linda Simon, Ronna Hain, Leslie Wasserman, Dina Shein, Nancy Wiadro, Steve Yussen and Phyllis Strome, who introduced the authors and moderated the Q&As. Some provided transportation and overall care for those authors who appeared in person.

Thank you to Federation representatives who welcomed the community at the beginning of each event: Board Chair Jane Schiff and President/CEO Jeffrey Feld.

Thank you to Larry Israelite for continuing to help with computer issues and registrations.

Thank you to Jake Tavill and staff at Indigo Soul Entertainment for making sure each panelist was clearly heard and had proper lighting as well as handling the music and PowerPoint presentations before and after each event.

Thank you to Carole Greene for writing numerous thoughtful, engaging book reviews to whet the appetite of the community and encourage them to attend events.

Thank you to Federation Star editor Sharon Hood and her team for designing Book Festival articles, ads and bookmarks; for giving the events prominent placement; allowing long articles; repeating the Book Festival sponsors and patrons so many times; for the beautiful separate handouts; and for patience, talent and kindness, always.

Thank you to the Jewish Book Council that offers 250 talented authors for our selection. The JBC facilitates author selections (many times requiring several iterations), schedules dates and times, and provides guidance regarding arrangements for author travel.

And most especially, thank you to the one and only Reneé Bialek, often referred to as “Superwoman!” Without her, nothing happens. She communicates with JBC, submits all the paperwork, manages all the travel arrangements, sends emails, prepares PowerPoint presentations, handles the questions, reservations and does everything you can think of, all with a smile on her face and a gracious friendliness that makes you know all the details have been handled. In the new building, she is also called upon to handle microphones and technical issues. I can’t thank her enough! (It’s also exhausting just thinking about everything she does!)

Thank you so much!

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