3 minute read
Why will April 22 be different from all other nights?
Charles Flum President
It is different because Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC) is hosting a Pesach Seder. On all other nights, we eat chametz and matzah. Why on this night only matzah? On all other nights, we eat all kinds of herbs. Why on this night, bitter herbs? Rabbi Herman will lead us in finding the answer.
On all other nights we do not dip herbs at all. Why, on this night, do we dip twice? Don’t know, or want to refresh your memory? Join us at Cypress Woods Country Club to find out.
Why on other nights can we sit or recline? Why on this night do we recline? Unfortunately, you will have to bring your own pillow to recline in your chair. Please go to naplesjewishcongregation.org to purchase your tickets.
Judaism has so much in it, that it’s impossible to know it all. Here are some pieces of trivia you may or may not know.
The Christian concept of original sin is totally foreign to Judaism. Original sin is the concept that because Adam sinned by eating of the Tree of Knowledge in Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden), all people are born in sin. The only way to erase it is by belief in Jesus. Judaism says people are born without sin, with a pure and clean soul. We sin by our actions, not because we are inherently sinful.
Christianity has said that the fruit Adam and Eve ate was an apple. Jewish tradition says it was a fig.
When they realized they were naked, they used fig leaves to clothe themselves. So, the rabbis reasoned that it was a fig they ate.
If two Jews marry only in a civil marriage, it is considered a valid Jewish marriage. If the couple get a divorce, and then one wants to marry another Jew, the divorced couple needs a “get” to ensure no one thinks they are still married.
The Talmud says a scholar should have intercourse once a week, and the appropriate time is Friday night. Rashi said Friday night is ideal because “it is a night of delight, relaxation and joy.”
Jews do not consider a fetus as a person. It is not until the baby is born is it considered to be a person.
This is why Jews do not object to abortions as long as there is a valid reason for the abortion.
Jews are only buried in daytime. This is because:
1. Deuteronomy (21:23) says, “You shall surely bury him the same day,” which was taken to mean burials are to be in daylight.
2. Night was when criminals were buried. Therefore, it was a disgrace to be buried at night.
3. Evil spirits were thought to be more powerful at night. Therefore, it was safer to bury during the day.
Even though masquerading is banned in the Tanach, the rabbis allowed it on Purim, because it is such a joyous festival. Masquerading on Purim began in Italy and was influenced by the Roman Carnival. It spread from there to the rest of the Jewish world. Today in Israel, the Adloyada Purim Carnival takes place in Tel Aviv where costumes are encouraged.