Federation Star
December 2020
New Hadassah group, Simcha Sisters, hosts Havdalah networking event
he Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah announces the formation of its new group for young Jewish women in Collier and Lee Counties: the Simcha Sisters. Four founding members have come together to develop this initiative and bring together like-minded young Cindi Shrum Ranata Goodman Jewish women. Shari Harris, Stephani Schwartz, Cindi Shrum and Ranata Goodman are the conveners of the “Simcha Sisters,” the name chosen for the group, which is organizationally a part of the Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah. The Simcha Sisters group supports the mission and work of Hadassah and offers women the Shari Harris Stephani Schwartz opportunity to develop friendships, express their support of our service, followed by networking and makJewish values, Tzedakah and Tikkun ing and meeting new friends. The event Olam, through Hadassah’s groundbreakwill be held on Saturday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. ing work in Israel and programs in the For information and to reserve United States. your space, contact Diane Schwartz at Mark your calendar for the group’s dianepschwartz@gmail.com. Zoom links free inaugural event – a Zoom Havdalah will be sent in advance of the gathering.
“Stand Up For Justice”
Application Deadline: February 12, 2021 For the 11th year a grant has been established by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. The 2021 STAND UP FOR JUSTICE Educator Grant recognizes High School, Middle School and Elementary school educators who are innovative in bringing respect for others’ differences into their activities with students in a transformative, impactful, and caring way. The goal is to create a resource for educators of any discipline to incorporate strategies that promote understanding and respect among students, countering bigotry and bullying. This grant recognizes teachers, guidance counselors, school librarians, media specialists, school psychologists, administrators etc.
Go to:
jewishnaples.org/outreach/educator-award For additional information please contact:
Grant Coordinator, Beth Povlow 239-363-6306 MarcoPovlow@hotmail.com
Save the dates Hadassah-sponsored events
aturday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m., Collier/ Lee Hadassah Simcha Sisters group inaugural event – “Havdalah with Hadassah.” This Zoom program is a free outreach event to like-minded young women in our area. Contact Diane Schwartz at dianepschwartz@gmail.com or 732-539-4011. Friday, Dec. 11 at 10:30 a.m., Hadassah-sponsored Jewish Book Festival presentation is a Two-Author Event: Nessa Rapoport, author of Evening, featured in the September/October issue of Hadassah Magazine and Elayne Klasson, author of Love is a Rebellious Bird, will discuss their novels. Sunday, Dec. 13 at 10 a.m., 21st Annual Recognition of Major Donors and Keepers of the Gate Zoom event with guest speaker Dr. Alex Greenberg, an HMO physician currently doing his Fellowship in Joint Reconstruction at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. For information, please reach out to Nancy Wiadro at nwiadro@hadassah.org or 239-269-3666. Due to the coronavirus, all Hadassah meetings and programs are being offered and presented via Zoom. We hope to see you on Zoom at these interesting and diverse programs. For your convenience, these offerings are being presented as a series of programs called Expanding Horizons. You may
subscribe to any and all programs and share your email to receive the Zoom link. Watch for the weekly e-blast with registration information or contact Carol Weisberg at carolw@tetragonia.com, 239-254-8282 or Diane Schwartz at dianepschwartz@gmail.com, 732-539-4011.
Expanding Horizons Series II in 2021 Additional programs are being developed. Watch your email for registration information. Jan. 6 at 1 p.m., “Internet Security” presented by Heather Turco, Lee County Sheriffs’ Office Jan. 20 at 10 a.m., Installation of officers followed by Ellen Katz Celebrates Broadway, taking us to “Chicago.” Feb. 12 at 10:30 a.m., The Conservancy of SW Florida, Katie Ferren, “Protecting SW Florida’s Natural Environment and Quality of Life…Now & Forever” Feb. 24 at 11 a.m., Mandy Slutsker, Director of Global Child Health Advocacy for American Academy of Pediatrics, “When the World Came Together: Success Stories in Global Child Health” March 19 at 11 a.m., Coffee Time with The Grand Piano Series — Co-Founder/ Artistic Director Milana Strezeva and guest artist Mackenzie Melamed