3 minute read
Meet the Maiman family
PJ Library Family Spotlight
By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library & PJ Our Way Coordinator
Q: Tell me about the Maiman family.
A: We are Mandy and Arthur Maiman. We have a beautiful daughter, Leora, who is 5 years old.
Q: How long have you been in Naples?
A: Mandy grew up in Naples and left in 2012 to work in Miami. Our family returned in 2020 to be closer to family during COVID. Unfortunately, Arthur still lives and works in Pennsylvania but he will be here with us permanently soon!
Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?
A: Leora is so happy to get mail with her name on it! She opens her book immediately and designates it as her bedtime book for that night.
Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books?
A: We think they’re great! The stories are well written. Some have a great meaning; others are just for fun. We love the variety! Sometimes we get books related to a holiday, which helps to enhance the meaning of the holiday. We also like the books that are just for fun that teach Jewish values or relay folk tales.

Mandy and Arthur Maiman with daughter, Leora (5)
Q: A lot of parents say they feel PJ books help them raise good kids. Do you feel that way? Please explain.
A: I think this is true for two reasons. Books that are related to holidays help us teach Leora in an age-appropriate manner and they help her to feel connected to the holiday. There are also books that focus on our actions, how we should behave in this world and these books give us an opportunity to have conversations with Leora about her thoughts on these important topics.
Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples?
A: We belong to Temple Shalom and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Leora is a graduate of Temple Shalom Preschool and now attends the religious school (YESh). We love having a place for her to go to learn, as well as see her friends from preschool.
Q: What is Leora’s favorite PJ Library book?
A: One of her favorites is “Shalom Bayit” by Linda Elovitz Marshall but, the truth is, I couldn’t pick a favorite for Leora. As we move through the holidays and read a book again that we haven’t seen in a while, it might become her favorite at the time.

“Shalom Bayit: A Peaceful Home” written by Linda Elovitz Marshall; illustrated by Ag Jatkowska
Q: What is the bedtime routine at your house?
A: We get on PJs and brush teeth. Then head to bed with two books. One is for Leora to read and the other is for mom or dad to read to her. It is our special snuggle time!
If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight Family, please let us know! Email Alicia Feldman at programs@jewishnaples.org.
Follow us on Facebook @PJLibraryNaplesFL.