4 minute read
Join MCA’s annual Hanukkah celebration
By Jeff Margolis
In what has become a highly anticipated annual event, members are invited to join in the MCA Menorah Lighting and Comedy Night on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7 p.m. at Temple Shalom. The guest comedian will be Keith Barany, who The New York Post calls “the wittiest comedian working today.” Check the weekly e-blast for more details.
The MCA monthly luncheon program continues Thursday, Dec. 8. 11:30 a.m. at DeRomo’s Restaurant in Bonita Springs. Jerry Sanford will discuss “How an Antique NYC Fire Helmet Brought Jerry Sanford to NYC on 9/11.” The cost of the luncheon is $37 for members. Please make reservations at www.mcanaples.org.
Are you in the mood for a few laughs and some New York City nostalgia? Plan to join the Brazina Documentary Film program Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1:30 p.m. at Temple Shalom for a presentation of “The Sturgeon Queens.” This film takes a delightful look at the iconic New York City appetizing store, Russ and Daughters. Be sure to register for this event at www.mcanaples.org.
Ongoing events
At the present time, groups are meeting via Zoom. Groups will begin meeting in person in early 2023, once the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center opens.
The MCA Book Discussion Group will meet via Zoom on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. The book discussed will be “Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America,” by Ryan Busse. The author spent 25 years in the firearms industry. His book examines his disillusionment with the gun culture in this country and its relationship with the NRA. Contact program leader Stan Farb at stan4mignon@earthlink.net.
On Monday, Dec. 12, the Israel Discussion Group will meet via Zoom with a lively discussion of current events. I’m sure that the recent elections in Israel will be a hot topic. Co-chairs Harvey Cohen and Collin Lewis facilitate this program. Contact Harvey at hwcohen@gmail.com.
Jim Sernovitz’ globe-hopping travelogues continue on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. This month, Jim takes us to South America — from cosmopolitan capitals to thundering Iguassu Falls and the Amazon rainforest. View the great cities of Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Once you sign up for one of Jim’s programs, you will automatically be reminded of future travelogues.
Also on Dec. 13, is the MCA Science Discussion Program via Zoom. Larry Siegel will discuss “The Science of Crime: How do we Know and What do we Know?” Larry has a Ph.D. in criminal justice from the State University of New York at Albany, where he was a professor. Contact Bob Davidson at rsdavidson1@gmail.com.
The topic for this month’s Current Issues program via Zoom is “Beyond the Vaccine – Preventing another Pandemic.” This program is slated for Thursday, Dec. 15 at 1 p.m. Contact program leader Ron Mutchnik for details.
Also slated for Thursday, Dec. 15 is the monthly Men’s Medical Issues series. This month, Dr. Neil Stein will discuss “Lower Urinary Tract Concerns as we Age.”
Let’s play golf. Are you interested in playing an 18-hole round of golf with fellow MCA members? Every Tuesday, starting Dec. 6, MCA offers golf at Valencia Golf Club. Check the MCA e-blast for details and signup information.
If you are interested in other outdoor activities, MCA offers pickleball, bocce, biking, kayaking, fishing and walking. Check the weekly e-blast or the MCA website for information.
This is just a partial list of the exciting and engaging programs MCA offers each month. Be sure to check the weekly inseason emails for up-to-date information.
New program
MCA is pleased to announce a new program — MCA Pool Club. The group plans to meet every Tuesday morning, 11 a.m. at the Norris Center (755 8th Ave. S.) in Naples. If you are interested in playing pool and socializing with fellow MCAers, please join in. Contact Marty Isserlis at mgisserlis@gmail.com.
The board of directors of MCA wishes all our members and families a Happy Hanukkah.