1 minute read
Light over darkness
Jeffrey Feld Federation President/ CEO
Nat Ritter Federation Board Chair
As a community, we are about to celebrate the holiday of Chanukah. This holiday celebrates the miracle of a single day’s portion of holy oil (to be used for the eternal light) that lasted for eight days. During second century BCE, the Holy Temple was destroyed and desecrated by King Antiochus and the Assyrians. Thanks to the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire, the Jews reclaimed the Temple and were free and able to practice Judaism. We celebrate the holiday to remember good overcoming evil.
The word Chanukah means dedication. As a community, we celebrate “dedication.”
We celebrate being dedicated to building a Jewish community.
We celebrate being dedicated to helping Jews.
At this particular time, we are dedicated to Israel. We are dedicated to helping ensure Israel’s existence. We are dedicated to helping the Israelis who have been affected by the barbaric terrorist attack of Oct. 7.
We are dedicated to Am Yisrael Chai — the nation of Israel lives!
Chanukah is the Festival of Lights. We are dedicated to providing light against the darkness of evil.
We wish you a Happy Chanukah — to the dedication of light over darkness.