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Beth Tikvah update

February has arrived. We are in our dynamic hyper-season with sevendays-a-week programming and the return to Naples of many members. Programs for the Naples community are well underway with many activity choices. At Beth Tikvah, we are continuing with All Things Jewish, offering “Jewish Values in a Changing World,” a JTS course facilitated by Rabbi Chorny, as well as “Jews in their History” Part 1. Both courses are by Zoom and require registration, which can be done by contacting office@bethtikah.org or going to our website at www.bethtikvahnaples.org

Our lecture series continues with our Health and Wellness lecture on Feb. 4, in memory of Dr. Dulcie Poznansky. Dulcie’s son, Dr. Mark Poznansky, will speak on “All things COVID-19.”

On Feb. 11, June Sochen and Joyce Schrager return as speakers to discuss current events. Reservations are recommended in order to receive the Zoom link.

The highlight of the month is our Scholar–in–Residence, beginning Friday, Feb. 19 and going through Sunday, Feb. 21, when Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, a dynamic and inspirational Jewish educator will deliver a series of four lectures addressing the theme, “Through a Jewish Lens: Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain and Unpredictable Times.”

Dr. Lilienthal possesses a unique ability to draw us into the journey and bring us to the moment. Her presentations will be conducted via Zoom. Please go to www.bethtikvahnaples.org, contact us at office@bethtikvah.us or call 239-434- 1818 for reservations and registration.

Our Rosh Chodesh Women’s Study brings friendship and intellectual stimulation together monthly. This month, we will meet on Sunday, Feb. 14 at 11 a.m. All women who are interested in attending are welcome. Visit our website, www. bethtikvahnaples.org, for the Zoom link.

The Naples Jewish Film Festival, Feb. 26, 27 and 28, begins with the movie, “They Ain’t Ready for Me,” showcasing Tamar Manasseh, a Black rabbinical student. An exclusive discussion with Tamar and the film’s director will be held on Monday, March 1. Please email office@bethtikvah.us or call 239- 434-1818 to register and receive the Zoom link.

Beth Tikvah is the affiliated congregation in Greater Naples of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). We are grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN) for support of our Scholar-in-Residence, Naples Jewish Film Festival and All Things Jewish programs.

All Beth Tikvah events are open to the Greater Naples community. Go to our website at www.bethtikvahnaples.org for all reservations.

Beth Tikvah February happenings on Zoom

Feb. 2, Tuesday, 12:15 p.m. - Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Chorny

Feb. 3, 10, Wednesday, 12:15 p.m. - “Jewish Values in a Changing World” JTS course, RabbiChorny

Feb. 4, Thursday, 7 p.m. - Dulcie Poznansky Health and Wellness Lecture Dr. Mark Poznansky speaker, “All Things COVID-19”

Feb. 7, Sunday, 11 a.m. - New Members “get-together”

Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. - June Sochen & Joyce Shrager look at current events

Feb. 14, Sunday, 11 a.m. - Rosh Chodesh Adar Women’s Study

Feb. 15, Monday, 1 p.m. - Naples Jewish Book Festival sponsored by Beth Tikvah

Feb. 19, Friday, 6:15 p.m. - Dr. Sandra Lilienthal SIR program

Feb. 20, Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - Sermon and evening program

Feb. 21, Sunday, 9 a.m. - Dr. Sandra Lilienthal Lectures

Feb. 25, Thursday, 6:15 p.m. - Erev Purim party and Megillah Reading

Feb. 28, Sunday - Naples Jewish Film Festival Film #1

Religious services streaming schedule

• Thursday and Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m.

• Friday services begin at 6:15 p.m.

• Saturday services begin at 9:30 a.m.

• We convene Yahrzeit minyanim upon request.

You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at 239-537-5257.

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