2 minute read
I look forward to welcoming you to Temple!
Deborah Fidel, Executive Director
"Sometimes it seems, for those outside of faith communities, that religion is simply about a set of beliefs to which one assents. But I know that from the inside it is about relationships and shared vision. Where else do people sing together week after week …I still believe the synagogue is a refuge for the bereaved and provides a road map for the seeker. I have been moved by how powerful the teachings of tradition prove to be in people’s lives, helping them sort out grievances from griefs, focusing on what matters, giving poignancy to celebrations…. if you wish to see the full panoply of a human life, moments of ecstatic joy and deepest sorrow, the summit of hopes and the connections of community, they exist concentrated in one place: your local house of worship (italics mine).” -Rabbi David Wolpe (from “As a Rabbi, I’ve Had a Privileged View of the Human Condition” New York Times, July 2, 2023)
Rabbi Wolpe may as well have been describing One Family. Rabbi Miller, Rabbi Boxman and Cantor Azu would certainly echo his view of the richness of a life lived in community with others, but so would anyone who is privileged enough to be part of Temple Shalom.
Our members know that Temple offers us a place to connect with others in a unique way that cannot be replicated anywhere else. It’s the backdrop for some of the most intimate and significant moments in our lives.
The rhythms of the Jewish year orient and enrich us. People who regularly attend Shabbat services and holiday celebrations feel the power of Jewish community and peoplehood. Simply put, when you join Temple, you are part of a broader community that invites you in, embraces and supports you.
Oct. 7 and its aftermath have only amplified my need and desire to be part of a community whose values I share. Judging by the rapid growth of our membership (currently 950 households) and the recent surge in attendance at Shabbat services and other programs, I am not alone in feeling that way.
If you would like to visit Temple Shalom, learn more about our L’Shalom pledge system (voluntary dues), sample our world class adult education offerings or participate in one of our many fun and engaging programs, please contact me at info@templeshalom.org or 239-4553030. I look forward to welcoming you to Temple!