3 minute read

Something for everyone

Reneé Bialek Program Director

We invite you to join us at the many programs we have for you this month. Please remember to register for the events you want to attend so we are prepared and can ensure your enjoyment.

Monday, Feb. 10 – Come see the last Jewish Gangster, Myron Sugerman. Tickets are $36, and he is selling his book for $40 at the event.

Myron Sugerman

Thursday, Feb. 13 – The Jewish Book Festival continues with Jean Hanff Korelitz.

Sunday, Feb. 16 – The Joys of Jewish Arts and Entertainment (this year's Day of Learning) will be in person and via Zoom ($18).

Monday, Feb. 17 – Brad Zimmerman performs in his Still Not Famous show ($54).

Brad Zimmerman

Wednesday, Feb. 19 – Come hear guest speaker Stephanie Petrosini talk about family money.

Thursday, Feb. 20 – Learn how to fight cancer with your fork, featuring guest speaker Greer Burcky.

Tuesday, Feb. 25 – The Jewish Book Festival features June Hersh.

Sunday, Feb. 23 – The Israel and Overseas Speaker series welcomes Ofer Bavly, who will talk about uplifting the marginalized Israeli Druze Minority.

Sunday, Feb. 23 – Catholic-Jewish Dialogue invites everyone to a program featuring the film “The Assisi Underground” at Saint Williams Catholic Church.

Fridays, Feb. 14, 21 and 28 – The Elliott Katz lecture winter series continues. You can now purchase tickets to watch via Zoom or attend in person.

March – The Naples Jewish Film Festival is in March! Please purchase your tickets today.

Wednesday, March 19 – Visit the NCH Bloodmobile between 2 and 4 p.m. at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. register at www.jewishnaples.org.

Sunday, March 30 – Attend the Power of Community Celebration at 1 p.m.

Please make sure to register for all these programs via our e-blast or website calendar. Alternatively, you can use the QR code included with this article, which will take you directly to the Programs & Events webpage. All you need to do is open your camera app, point directly at the QR code, then click on ‘qrco.de’ button. Once you are on the landing page, you will see three featured events, then Series of Events (Elliott Katz Lectures, Jewish Book Festival and more), followed by a few more upcoming events listed by dates.

Be sure to read our weekly Monday e-blast to view new programs and click on the registration links for all the above programs as well as new programs that are being added. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.

Please register for all events at www. jewishnaples.org. Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage.

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