2 minute read
Temple Shalom events open to the community
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
Registration is required for all of the below events and programs.
Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 2 p.m.
Author and journalist Lee Yaron will be at Temple Shalom to speak about her book “10/7 – 100 Human Stories,” a definitive account of the Oct. 7 massacre as told through the stories of more than 100 civilians. This event is in partnership with the Jewish Book Council. Register at tinyurl.com/TS-JBCYaron.
Wednesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19 and March 5 at noon
“If you think living in Naples is paradise, you ain’t seen nothing yet: Jewish views of the afterlife.” Join Rabbi Frank Muller to explore traditional Jewish views on the afterlife and then delve into the perspectives of modern liberal theologians. Students will develop their own theories based on class discussions and personal beliefs. Register at tinyurl.com/TS-JewishAfterlife.
Friday, Feb. 14 at 5 p.m.
Join us for Beach Shabbat. We meet at the north end of Lowdermilk Park beach for a beautiful, sunset Shabbat service. Please bring a beach chair, and remember to come early for parking. There will be no services at Temple Shalom on that evening.
Friday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Join us for a special Soulful Shabbat service conducted entirely in song and accompanied by the Temple Shalom Band.