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Shalom Naples families!
By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Director, North Florida Region
In December, Naples BBYO participated in Global Shabbat along with BBYO International. Each year, Holocaust survivors, business professionals, faith leaders, cross-cultural activists, politicians and entrepreneurs join with Alephs and BBGs worldwide to share inspiring stories and take part in a meaningful, teen-led Shabbat experience.

Jessica Zimmerman
This year’s Global Shabbat was embraced and elevated around the world through a diverse array of thoughtful programming designed to bring the community together around the strength that Shabbat brings to our communities. Naples and Fort Myers teens celebrated Global Shabbat on Dec. 11, along with Temple Shalom, by assisting to lead a children and family service. We thank Temple Shalom for including us!Quickly approaching in February is BBYO’s International Convention or IC.
With the state of the pandemic, BBYO has decided to move forward with a virtual IC, the first of its kind. IC will take place Feb. 12-15 and is open to students grades 8 through 12. If you’d like to learn more about International Convention, visit azabbg.bbyo.org/ic.
To learn more about upcoming events in Naples, contact Jess Zimmerman, associate regional director, North Florida Region, by emailing jesszimmerman@ bbyo.org or calling or texting 941-677-3018.
We hope to see you soon! Stay safe, from your friends at Naples BBYO.

Chabad remains strong amid pandemic
By Ariana Milian
Despite the raging COVID-19 pandemic, Chabad has managed to keep Jewish life on campus at FGCU alive and active. While there were some adjustments, the friendships, bonds and Jewish connections have remained strong and just keep growing.
Two incredible new initiatives of educational programming have begun this semester for students to actively engage in Jewish traditions and values. Sinai Scholars gives students the opportunity to get a deeper picture of Jewish basics and tradition in a hands-on learning setting. Jewish U allows students to declare a “major” in Jewish heritage and values through discussions on a series of topics. Both initiatives will continue this coming semester and beyond.
Chabad also continues to offer outdoor Shabbat dinners, with students sitting distanced from each other to ensure everyone is safe. For those who cannot attend Shabbat dinner, Chabad also offers Shabbat to-go packages with challah, grape juice, mouth-watering matza ball soup and dessert, so students can celebrate Shabbat in their own dorm room.
Another incredible program just started this semester as we moved programming outdoors — a live Musical Havdala and fireside s’mores. A special thanks to local musician, Avi Gev, for enhancing and sharing his music.
There have also been social events, like paint nights, a Chanukah party in partnership with other Jewish organizations on campus, and a virtual Zoom speaker, a rapping rabbi.
While it’s easy for people to feel distant and lonely during this pandemic, Chabad reminds us that as long as we have Jewish connections, we are never alone. We may be physically distant, but our hearts are close when we engage in Jewish life on campus.