3 minute read
The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center and you
Working together, we can successfully implement the security measures for the new building
By Nathaniel Ritter, House and Grounds Committee Chair
The dream our community imagined has finally become a reality and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples anticipates moving into its new building the week of Dec. 12-16.
Many of us have come to the JFGN office to have our picture taken and obtain our proximity card. These cards are not simply a form of identification; they have electronic modules that will activate the front door upon entering the NIJCC building. In addition, these cards should be worn throughout the building at all times so entry can be gained at select first-floor doors. The electronics imbedded in the card make it costly to replace, so be careful not to misplace it. Also, do not give your card to someone else to use.
We are requiring that all entry into the building be through the front doors — security is imperative and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and SCAN (Secure Community Network, the security arm of the Jewish Federations of North America) recommend one point of entry into the building. That clearly means do not let people that you do not know into the NIJCC building.
Be assured that our Building Committee has gone to great lengths to secure the NIJCC. Another extremely important link in our security is you. Without our community working together, we cannot implement the many security measures that have been put into place. Be aware, your proximity card will not access the elevator or second floor. Access to the second floor (JFGN offices) will be limited. If you need to see someone on the second floor, you may speak to our receptionist on the ground floor. She will make arrangements with the person with whom you want to speak and let you access the second floor.
This is truly an exciting time for our community and an achievement of which we can all be proud. We must be smart with the way we use the building and be aware of our new surroundings. Upon entering NIJCC, note the doors (there are many), the exit signs and the location of the restrooms. Being aware of your surroundings will make navigating our new home much easier and help you should any emergencies arise. NIJCC is new to all of us, so be patient while we continue to work out “bugs.” Know that we value your input in making improvements to our new home.
JFGN and its board invite you to the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Grand Opening on Sunday, Jan. 15. See you there!