2 minute read
Where your dollars go
Marcy Friedland FRD Director
Here’s how your donations support our annual community campaign.
Every November, we contact the prior year beneficiary agencies in Greater Naples, nationwide, overseas and Israel. We ask them to fi ll out an allocation application, stating the funding amount needed and a description of the program and/or the event for which the monies will be used. The applications need to be returned by the end of February.
Once we receive the applications, the Allocation Committee, comprised of 10 donors and Board members, meets several times from March to May, thoroughly combing through the applications and creating a spreadsheet with their recommendations for Board consideration in June.
Local beneficiary agencies
Federation supports Beth Tikvah; BBYO; Chabad of Naples, Bonita Springs and FGCU; Holocaust Museum SWFL; Jewish Congregation of Marco Island; Jewish Historical Society of SWFL; Jewish War Veterans, Post #202; Naples Jewish Congregation; Naples Senior Center; and Temple Shalom.
Local programming
We support the following programs: Annual Community-wide Chanukah Celebration, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Cardozo Legal Society, Israel Advocacy Committee, Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival, Jewish Community Relations Council, Young Jewish Professionals, Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance, Maimonides Society, Men’s Cultural Alliance, Singles Social Group and Women’s Cultural Alliance.
National and overseas beneficiary agencies
We support ADL, Birthright Israel, Ethiopian National Project, Arava Institute, Hatikvah Pre-school in Ukraine, Hillel International, Jewish Federations of North America, Jewish National Fund, Neve Michael, Sapir Community Center, Susan’s House, ORT and Yad Lakashish.
Where do your dollars go?
Seventy-five cents of every annual community campaign dollar go toward allocations, programs and programming support. We need your donation once again this year to be able to continue our support of the above beneficiary agencies and programming.