3 minute read
The Yiddish corner
By Sol Awend, GenShoah SWFL
Happy New Year! Or, as they say in the old country, “Ah Git Yooweh!” If you’re in South Florida and it’s January, one thing’s for certain – it’s crowded. Dee Shnei Foigelen, or snowbirds, have come down for the season. And to greet them, we have a list of terms to describe them as well as from where they have come.
Let’s give them a rousing welcome and congratulate them on the well-made choice of escaping winter.
Fin vaanet
Pronunciation: fin VAANet?
Meaning: From where…?
In a sentence: Fin vaanet kimps’t deh? From where did you come?
Pronunciation: Vee?
Meaning: Another way to ask the same question as #1.
In a sentence: Vee shteist dee?
Where are you staying?
Fah vee laang? For how long? (We don’t want to rush you, just asking for a friend.)
Vee loyfs’t deh? Where are you running off to?
(You just got here!)
Pronunciation: Voos!?
Meaning: To be asked incredulously, as if you don’t believe the answer.
In a sentence: Voos ot ayeh geh zoog’t? What did he say?
Voos zoogs’t dee? What are you saying?
Fah Voos zoogs’t dee azoy?! Why do you say that?!
Pronunciation: MAAN tel
Meaning: A coat. One thing you don’t need down here unless the temp drops below 70 degrees at night.
In a sentence: Tee oss daim mantel un blaab fah ah pooweh minit! Take off your coat and stay for a few minutes? Doo darft men nisht kah mantel. Here, one doesn’t need a coat.
Shtee vel
Pronunciation: SHTEE vel Meaning: Boots. Another article of clothing you shed, in favor of flip-flops. In a sentence: Tee oss dee shtee vel! Tee oop ah pooweh letchen? Take off the boots! Put on a pair of thongs.
Koortzeh hoyzen
Pronunciation: KOORT zeh HOY zen Meaning: Short pants or Bermudas. In a sentence: Tee oop ah pooweh kurtzeh hoyzen. Put on a pair of short pants.
Deh sayzon iz nisht git geh vayzen; deh fah ob ich “kurtzeh hoyzen.”
The season was not good; therefore, I have “short pants.”
Pronunciation: shpring! Meaning: Jump!
In a sentence: Gei! Shpring araan in yam! Go! Jump in the ocean! (The next best bit of advice you’re going to get after someone tells you what you can do.)
Pronunciation: shvitz Meaning: Sweat
In a sentence: Zay no vee dee shvitz’t! Look at how you are sweating!
Ahz meh shvitz’t iz ah meh c’hayeh off de velt! If one sweats, it’s heaven on earth!