2 minute read
Let’s get the family together
By Alexandra Wein, PJ Library Coordinator
Hello PJ Families. I hope you enjoyed our December events. I can’t believe 2025 is here! I hope you all had a joyous Chanukah and are beginning a Happy New Year. I am so excited to be a part of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ PJ Library family!
The first event I have lined up is for PJ Your Way (ages 5-12)! Let’s get the family together, have some snacks and play some games together! We have board games and foosball. Feel free to bring your favorite games too! Break out your competitive side and see who rules in your family. This event will be held in the BBYO Lounge at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples on Sunday, Jan. 19 from 3 to 5 p.m. Snacks will be provided. I look forward to building up our PJ Library and PJ Your Way programs to make 2025 our most exciting year yet!
Please be sure to fol low PJ Library - Federa tion of Greater Naples on Facebook for upcoming events and up-to-date info on all things local for PJ Library. You can reach me at programs@ jewishnaples.org.