3 minute read
Let the planning for next season begin!
Summertime — and the living is easy! Forget about that cliché this summer. With the building nearing completion, we are up to our armpits in alligators! Clichés aside, we are superduper busy. All the usual planning for the upcoming season is on steroids as we try to figure out when we will move into our amazing new Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.
Moving, as we all know, is one of life’s most traumatic changes, right up there with birth, marriage, divorce and death. And, with everyone in the office moving at the same time, it’s a bit overwhelming. Planning the big move is made even more difficult as we don’t know our exact move date.
What programs will we have next year? When and, more importantly, where will they be? If we move in November, we can start programming for the new rooms in December, but what if we don’t move until January? Which book festival events will be held where?
Channukah Menorah lighting will be held on Dec. 21 as we have secured that date for Mercato but, if the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center is open and we have a certificate of occupancy (CO), we want to hold it there.
So many options. Such an exciting time. But not the relaxing summer many of you will be having.
Your Board of Directors is also working through the summer on an updated Strategic Plan for the next five years. We began our work in early April with a three-hour session facilitated by Sallie Williams, CEO of Williams Consulting Group. She will present her findings and suggested plan to the Board in July. This will be the first time that the Board is scheduling a July meeting. But we need to plan for our expanding space, programming and growth.
New committees will be created — building and grounds, outreach, and programming, to name a few. If you have an interest in joining one of these committees, please contact Jeffrey Feld.
And, as always, summertime is when we plan for our Annual Campaign, programming, Sefer Todah, Connections magazine and all the other ongoing things you count on us to produce. We are very busy here at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples – and your support has caused this expansion.
We can’t wait to welcome you back at the end of your wonderful summer vacations to your winter or full-time Jewish home in our new Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.
Be safe and well this summer. Enjoy your time with friends and family. And know, in the back of your mind, that we are working on creating fabulous events and programming for your future.