2 minute read
On writing
By Estelle H. Rauch
As a child, I loved reading and began writing early. My first ‘production’ was an original story using beloved Disney characters. When my second-grade teacher encouraged me to read it to the class, I was permanently hooked on writing and the affirmation it afforded me.
However, my career demanded that I write nonfiction — a chapter on group therapy, a journal article on the loss of a treasured therapist and articles, while presenting at professional conferences on trauma, diagnosis or group therapy.
My shift to fiction writing was initially a tough challenge, stimulated by a workshop at what was then International College. That first novel emerged from my work at the site of 9/11, with survivors, family members having suffered loss and first responders. Unfortunately, it read like nonfiction!
It took my third novel, “Sally’s Dreams,” to truly embrace fiction while still benefiting from my professional background and considerable experience working and living with Jewish families. It is a novel I am proud of.
“Trapped” followed. My next novel, “Masters of Betrayal,” will be submitted shortly for publication.
I hope you’ll join me for a Zoom presentation on “Sally’s Dreams,” Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. This Jewish Federation of Greater Naples program is free to all. Please register at www.jewishnaples.org to receive the Zoom link. “Sally’s Dreams” can be purchased on Amazon.