2 minute read

Weather or not … it’s up to you

Zoog mir in Yiddish

By Sol Awend, GenShoah SWFL

Last month, we discussed items of importance to us, Yeedin (food) being near the top of the list. This month, we are taking a look at the weather and how it impacts us. Unlike our neighbors to the north, who have the four seasons with which to contend, we either have too much water or not enough water but rarely do we have just the right amount. Then again, the same’s true with temperature and humidity.

The weather is fluid and seemingly always worth discussing. The following are a few terms you can use to discuss how Mother Nature is treating you. If it’s too hot and humid, your arthritis acts up and your ankles swell. If it’s too windy, the ladies rage on how their hair will get mussed. After all, they just came from the beauty salon!

As they say in the Old Country… ”Es miz zaan eppes!” It’s always going to be something!

It’s always nice hearing from a friendly voice so, if you’re inclined, drop a line at sdevoyle@ gmail.com. Until next time, thanks for your interest and Zoog mir eppes in Yiddish! (Tell me something in Yiddish!)

Words dealing with the weather

1. Heiss (hot) Siz heiss in drossen! (It’s hot outside!)

2. Raygen (rain) Maac’h t’zee dee fensteh! Ess geit raygenen! (Close the window! It’s going to rain!)

3. VOL-ken-ess (clouds) Zay no vee shein dee vol ken ess zayen oss! (See how beautiful the clouds look!)

4. Himmel (the sky) Deh Himmel is ah zoy blu! (The sky is so blue!)

5. Vint (wind) Kim ah heim! Es bloows’t ah shtarkeh vint! (Let’s go home! A strong wind is blowing!)

6. Ah HOOgl (hail) Un mit daim shtarken raygen iz ooh geh kimen ah hoogl! (And with that strong wind, hail befell us!)

7. Naas (wet) Gei nisht off dee groowez! Siz naas! (Don’t go on the grass! It’s wet!)

8. Ah HOOR-ah-gaan (A hurricane) Deh Eeyan iz geh vayzen ah meeseh hoorahgaan! (Ian was an ugly hurricane!)

9. BLOT-teh (mud) D’ost bloteh aran geh shlep’t in shteep! Tee oss dee sheeyec’h! (You dragged mud into the house! Take off your shoes!)

10. FAAHC’H-tik (humid) Siz zayeh faac’htik in drossen. (It’s very humid outside.)

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