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Chabad Naples update
By Rabbi Fishel
Chabad of Naples is maintaining its high level of caring for and serving the community in both traditional and COVID-19 responsive ways. Let’s look back on our incredible year.
This past year, we learned that COVID is not the only thing that can go viral. Kindness, love, patience and positivity are also highly contagious. “Mitzvah goreret mitzvah” is a saying from Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, which we learn between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot. One good deed brings another good deed. Kindnesses inspire more kindnesses.
It was a year when we connected more than ever with the community. We have always said we are family, and the Chabad Naples family has been truly felt. How special it has been for us to hold so many activities.
On Pesach, we distributed 550 boxes of Shmura Matzah throughout the community to give people a taste of Passover at their Seder.
On Shavuot eve, we hosted another drive-by with Challah, pastries, reading material for the holidays and Yizkor booklets.
We are continuing our limited ongoing services and strive to be here for the community in every imaginable way. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you are aware of someone who needs a little TLC.
Meals from the heart
Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message, in the form of a tasty fresh challah. All you have to do is nominate a recipient by sending us an email and we will have it delivered.
If you know someone who would appreciate a meal for Shabbat, or just in general, please let us know. We will arrange to have one sent to those who are really in need and without means to obtain help.
If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are always here to help make a minyan during the week. We are so grateful to those who help us with this minyan service when called.
Pre-K graduation
May 28, 10 a.m. - Pre-K graduation at Cambier Park. Mazel Tov to all our graduates.
Volunteer assistance
Our volunteers continue to be available if elderly or homebound people need assistance with shopping for groceries or medicine.
Shabbat services
We offer limited, abbreviated indoor Shabbat services from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Wearing a mask and social distancing must be observed and the area is cleaned before and after. There is no kiddush. Reservations must be made in advance, seating is limited, and you will receive the full guidelines and policy upon receipt of your RSVP.
Hebrew school
Having just celebrated graduation, following an incredible year with all our Hebrew School students, we are beginning to enroll students for next year’s classes. We are currently offering in-person Hebrew school. Please sign up if your children wish to participate by calling 239-26294474 or email office@chabadnaples.com.
Rabbi Fishel offers a video each week. If you want to receive them, you can reach out to us at office@chabadnaples.com to be placed on the weekly email list. You can also view the past 12 months’ worth of videos at www.chabadnaples.com.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp registration is open. This is a very popular, amazing experience for your children and spaces may be limited, so early sign-up is recommended! For more information, visit naplespreschooloftheharts.com
Weekly email and mailing list
If you would like to be added to our weekly updates and mailing list, call 239-262-4474 or email office@ chabadnaples.com.