2 minute read
With students back at school, Chabad gears up for a new semester
By Rabbi Mendel Gordon
As the spring semester commenced at FGCU on Jan. 11, Chabad was on hand to welcome back the students at their home-away-from-home on campus. In addition to regular Shabbat get-togethers, where students wine, dine and mingle each week, Chabad hosted a welcome back barbeque, marking the beginning of what will prove to be yet another semester filled with inspiration, fun, and of course, (kosher) food.
Many returning students were rejoining in-person studies after a period of virtual study. To jumpstart the camaraderie and social acclimation, Chabad hosted a night out at Congo River Mini Golf, where students socialized and mingled with new Jewish friends in a safe environment.
A girls’ night saw dozens of students craft their own scented candles, while they learned about the significance of candle lighting in Jewish tradition for Shabbat and holidays.
In an exciting development, Chabad has commenced a brand-new course on Jewish medical ethics, offering an age-old take on cutting-edge, modern dilemmas — Can I unplug Grandma? Can doctors play G-d? Who should be vaccinated first?
As the world grapples with a raging pandemic, these sensitive moral issues are evermore relevant, with hospitals, medical staff and even laymen forced to make life-changing decisions with enormous ramifications.

Getting to know other Jewish students at mini golf
Shabbat of Jan. 23 saw students gather in commemoration of 10 Shevat, marking 70 years of the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe — Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory — who assumed the mantle of leadership that day in 1951, exactly a year after the passing of his father-in-law and predecessor, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory.
They explored his storied life and legacy; the visionary behind the thousands of Chabad centers worldwide, the Rebbe’s life mission had an impact on every Jew, teaching that “Every Jew is infinitely precious,” and exhorting his followers to reach every Jew with love.
At close of Shabbat, a Havdalah ceremony was held, marking the conclusion of the week and the transition into the next, with fire, wine and aromatic spices. Special for that week was the monthly kiddush levanah prayer, when we gather under the clear, moonlight sky and recite a prayer blessing the new moon. As the moon waxes and wanes, so do we, the Jewish people.
Chabad will be hosting COVID-19-friendly, social-distancing Passover Seders for students on March 27 and 28. For more info or to RSVP, email ChabadFGCU@gmail.com.
Chabad at FGCU caters to all Jewish students in Southwest Florida, providing a home away from home. Join us to learn, celebrate or just meet Jewish students your age. For more information or to get involved, contact Rabbi Mendel Gordon at 347-452- 0489 or ChabadFGCU@gmail.com.
Visit our website at ChabadFGCU. com.

Girls craft night