3 minute read

Spreading happiness and joy

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos

Purim is the most joyous holiday, where darkness is transformed into light. That gives Chabad Naples another opportunity to show what it does best — spread Purim happiness and joy throughout the community.

We hope you will participate in our plans. Check our website for specific times and information.

• We will have a drive-thru for Shalach Manot on March 18 at 3:30 p.m. We know many won’t be able to make it. If you know someone who can use a pickme-up, a lift-up for Purim, let us know and we will have it delivered. If you can help with delivery, let us know.

• We will have Megillah readings March 17 and 18.

• We plan on having an outside celebration for the community. Check the website for ongoing information as the situation is fluid.

Chabad is here to help

Chabad Naples is meeting this surge in COVID with a surge of caring volunteers, ready, willing and able to provide the elderly and homebound with the assistance they need. Shopping? Picking up prescriptions? Just ask! We are here for you.

How about A Taste of Shabbat from our family to yours? Feel the need for some Challah or a prescription of good old-fashioned, healing Jewish chicken soup? Order one for yourself and drop one off for a friend. Order ahead at Chabadnaples.com/tasteofshabbat.

The flying challah and kosher meals from the heart

Do you know someone in need of a little extra love right now? Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message in the form of a tasty fresh challah. Nominate a recipient by sending us an email and we will have it delivered. If you know someone who would appreciate a meal for Shabbat, we will be happy to arrange to have one sent to those who are really in need and without means to obtain help.

Every home needs a Mezuzah!

Thanks to a generous a sponsor, there is an opportunity for a limited number of you to have your first Mezuzah at your home. Rabbi Zaklos will be happy to correctly install it with special blessings and the Mezuzah ceremony. No home is complete without the protection of a Mezuzah! If you don’t have one, call Chabad.


If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are here to help make a minyan during the week. We are so grateful to those who help when called. It is amazing to see the community come together for each other.

Shabbat services

Join us weekly for uplifting Shabbat Services. Our warm and welcoming Shabbat services are held every Saturday morning, beginning at 10 a.m. The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the Rabbi’s insights during the Torah reading, which always has a contemporary, meaningful and relevant message.

Hebrew School

Our Hebrew School classes are incredibly popular, providing the best in Hebrew language and religious education that is available.

Torah class

A Torah class is being offered on Wednesdays. RSVP to our offi ce and we will send you the link. As the schedule changes at times, please reach out to confirm weekly.


Rabbi Fishel offers a video each week. Reach out to office@chabadnaples.com to be placed on the weekly e-mail list.

Preschool of the Arts

This is a popular, amazing experience for your children and spaces may be limited, so early sign-up is recommended!

Weekly e-mail and mailing list

If you would like to be added to our weekly updates and mailing list, call 239-262-4474 or email office@ chabadnaples.com.

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