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Springing forward for FGCU Jews
By Rabbi Mendel Gordon
Semester is on a roll at FGCU Chabad. We started with an exciting Welcome Back BBQ, which was joined by regulars from last year and many new students, too. We continue with busy shabbats full of Jewish pride and inspiration.
We had the special opportunity to host two IDF soldiers to share their experiences protecting our brothers and sisters in Israel. Amit shared of a dangerous mission to take over a terrorist cell in Gaza in which he was wounded. And Chen shared of being attacked at a bus stop by a terrorist, which he miraculously survived.
JewishU classes are flourishing with 10+ students coming after a long day of classes to learn Torah.
During January, we conducted a course on the Patriarchs and their relevance to our lives today as Jewish people. After her first class this semester, Reagan shared with me that this is her first time to explore Jewish learning since before her bat mitzvah.

Alon, Barrel and Benjy connect at the Welcome Back BBQ
In honor of this year being a year of Hakel, a year of gathering, we are excited to join Jewish students from schools all over Florida for a big shabbaton at UF in February.
We have a wonderful new group of Sina Scholars, another incredible class we do every year that explores Jewish fundamentals at college level. Together, we went to visit the local Jewish seniors, and then discussed how the Jewish view on kindness and helping others isn’t just because we find it meaningful. Rather it’s part of our purpose and responsibility in this world.
Like the saying of the Baal Shem tov, “A soul can enter the world for a lifetime of 80 years just to do a favor for another.”

Zoe and Nicole make desserts for Shabbat
We are looking forward to more social events and learning opportunities
and are excited for a special Jewish Heritage Day on March 16. The whole community is welcome to join the students for a Jewish festival on campus, with opportunities to learn and experience many parts of Jewish life. For more information or to RSVP, go to chabadfgcu.com/heritageday.
Chabad at FGCU services Jewish students at FGCU and nearby schools. For more information, reach out to Rabbi Mendel at 347-452-0489 or Rabbi@chabadfgcu.com.