3 minute read
What do you want your legacy to be?
The Lion behind the pin
By Paula Filler, Lion Behind the Pin Chair
On Feb. 2, our generous Lion of Judah members gathered for a unique experience, The Lion Behind the Pin program. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Lion donors participated in this fabulous program being introduced across 146 Jewish Federations in North America.
Jeffrey Feld, JFGN president/ CEO and Alicia Feldman, JFGN development director, secured two outstanding Lion of Judah philanthropic leaders who were instrumental in developing this program: Shelley Robbins and Debbie Lazarov. Robbins and Lazarov are incredible thoughtful leaders not only in their Memphis, Tennessee community but role models for all 18,000 Lion of Judah members across North America. The two women shared their heartfelt story of how this program began and why all of us should be proud of our Jewish values and what being a Lion of Judah means to us individually.

This special program helped all of us begin to consider what we want our legacy to be. What are our most important values as Jewish philanthropists? What is our legacy, our values that we want to share with those we love in the next generation?
Each luncheon attendee received their own personal Lion Behind the Pin gift box. Several Lions have already signed up for the private Legacy Writing Workshops being held in members’ homes. These optional workshops are an opportunity for our philanthropists to share their views and begin to crystallize their own thoughts regarding what to include in their legacy letter. What values and family stories are uniquely theirs?
The first legacy workshops will be held on Thursday, March 7 for brunch or, alternatively, Wednesday, March 13 for lunch. Space will be extremely limited at each workshop. Keep an eye out for an email with details for reserving your spot or contact Alicia Feldman.
Any Lion of Judah member who missed our fabulous Feb. 2 program was invited to a 30-minute catch-up briefing to receive their own Lion Behind the Pin gift on Wednesday, Feb. 21 or Wednesday, Feb. 28 at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.
To sign up for a legacy writing workshop or learn about the program, please contact Alicia Feldman at AFeldman@JewishNaples.com. For any questions about the Lion Behind the Pin program, please contact Lion Behind the Pin Chair Paula Filler at PaulaPFiller@gmail.com.