4 minute read
Craving a snack at night?
You’re not alone
By Diane Lynn, Weight Loss Coach
The majority of my weight loss clients tell me using food as a treat or reward is the biggest reason they’re overweight. This gets compounded when upset or tired, making it even harder to avoid rummaging in the pantry.
Craving a treat at the end of the day is often a sign that you’re ignoring your own needs. You’re likely too busy working or running errands to make time for relaxation or “me” time. It’s no wonder you end the day craving cookies; it’s become more than just a treat! It’s a way to carve out “me-time” or signal that you’re done for the day.
Without a treat, does evening (or other parts of your life) become less tolerable?
To decrease the power food has over you, figure out how your answer to that question is driving you toward food.

Ask yourself if there are other things you can do to give yourself an evening treat without eating. When you understand your underlying reasons and prepare some alternatives, you can rewire your brain to crave a nonfood treat instead; maybe a bubble bath, good movie or a chat with a friend.
To learn more about your brain’s wiring and how to retrain it to help you lose weight permanently, join us for a free preview session of Weight Loss Reimagined classes taught by me, a certified weight loss coach.
• Free preview session date: Thursday, March 14, 1-2 p.m. Sign up at https://JFGN.regfox.com/weightloss-presentation.
About the Weight Loss Reimagined class
If you've found yourself in a cycle of resolutions to lose weight every year only to end up regaining it, you're not alone. If you think you lack the self-discipline needed to lose weight and keep it off, this class may be just what you’re looking for! The good news? As course creator, I will share that you don’t need to rely solely on your own willpower to lose weight for the last time. Join us to hear how I broke my own decades-long emotional eating habit and learn how I can help you via a unique approach that creates lasting results.
Most of us can force ourselves to suffer through a diet for a little while, but if we don’t change the way we think, feel and behave, the weight is very likely to come back. In Weight Loss Reimagined classes, you'll learn tools to help you stay in control around your favorite junk food, even during social events. And there’s no calorie counting or point systems! You'll create a personalized, healthy food protocol that fits easily into your lifestyle. Most importantly, you’ll learn a tool based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help rewire your brain to no longer crave junk food, making permanent weight loss so much more attainable!
Why this program is different
• Transformation from within: We’ll focus on changing the way you think about food to find healthier ways to celebrate and even deal with the upset that may lead to emotional eating.
• Self-empowerment: You'll learn tools to help you stay in control around food, even when out at restaurants or home alone with the nighttime munchies. Imagine being able to say no to the breadbasket without feeling deprived and easily ignore urges to snack!
• Results without restrictions: No more calorie counting or point systems. You'll create a personalized, natural, healthy food protocol that seamlessly fits your lifestyle.
Class details
• Adults only
• Six-week class series: March 21 and 28, April 4, 11, 18 and 25 (6 classes) at Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, 4720 Pine Ridge Road, Naples. Each class builds on the last, please plan to attend all six.
• If you need to miss a class, arrangements can be made to watch a recording to catch up.
• Register for the classes at https://JFGN. regfox.com/march-weight-loss-class.
• If you have any difficulty registering, please contact Reneé Bialek at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org.
• Tuition: $297 (a portion of tuition benefits JFGN)
• Instructor: I am a resident of Naples, a WCA member, a certified weight loss coach and creator of these “Weight Loss Reimagined” classes. By retraining my brain, I was able to finally shake my lifelong yo-yo dieting and emotional eating habits to lose 65 pounds and keep the weight off for good. I was so impressed by the power of harnessing thoughts that I quit my corporate career, got my coaching certification and created this sixweek class series to help as many people as possible gain control over their minds, weight and health!