5 minute read

MCA members volunteer in Israel

We don’t have another country

By Larry Israelite

When Hamas viciously attacked Israel on Oct. 7, Jews in the Greater Naples Jewish community, like Jews everywhere, expressed horror, shock, outrage and anger. And next, they asked themselves, “What can I do?” Donations poured in, reaching almost $1 million. We demonstrated our support for Israel on the streets of Naples, we donated clothing and other things that were needed by the Israeli army, and more. But for some, that was not enough. They wanted to do more. And they did.

Four courageous members of MCA –Lou Berneman, Bob Fidel, Dale Katz and Bruce Sherman – joined by others from the Temple Shalom community, traveled to Israel on Jan. 6 on a service mission organized by the Emergency Volunteer Project (EVP). EVP is under the command of the Volunteer Department of the IDF, which meant that they had greater access to combat units and army bases than a mission organized by a tour and travel company. For years, EVP has been training and deploying firefighters and medical professionals and, more recently, started sending civilian teams to feed the troops and offer moral support.

The story that follows is told in ‘first person,’ allowing Lou, Bob, Dale and Bruce to describe their experiences in their own words.

MCA members who participated in Temple Shalom’s recent volunteer mission to Israel: Dale Katz, Lou Berneman, Bruce Sherman and Bob Fidel

From Lou, Bob, Dale and Bruce

For a week, we traveled hundreds of kilometers to four IDF bases and fed more than 2,000 soldiers. With generous donations provided by members of the Greater Naples Jewish community, we purchased and delivered thermal socks, underwear, personal coffee makers and mess kits and as a special treat, we grilled steaks for the troops. And every day and at each base, soldiers thanked us for our presence and our support.

Soldiers are saddened that news reports emphasize the impact on Palestinian civilians and not the deaths and ongoing suffering of Israelis. They were so happy to see us and to know their efforts and sacrifices are appreciated. We repeatedly heard soldiers tell us they are fighting for the very survival of their families, friends, neighbors, and country — fighting for the survival of our one and only homeland, Israel.

We listened to combat officers tell us how grateful they are for America’s support. They are grateful that the U.S. administration immediately sent two carrier groups to the Mediterranean, which they believed foiled Arab plans to invade from the North. They hope this support will continue if the northern front heats up and they must fight Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, in the north as well.

Bruce Sherman grilling steaks and chicken for IDF soldiers returning from combat in Gaza

From our home base (Anatot) in a bedroom community of Jerusalem in the West Bank, we traveled daily in a three-vehicle trailer caravan, hauling a mobile kitchen, a generator (for the kitchen) and a huge grill. Each day, we set up at an IDF base and prepared meals for soldiers comprising steak, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, Israeli salad and the fixings (tomatoes, onions, pickles, sauce).

Prior to leaving Israel, we spent time in Tel Aviv. We saw a re-creation of the Nova Music Festival, where actual items from the aftermath of the murderous attack (including port-a-potties with bullet holes, burned-out cars, tents, clothing, etc.) were displayed. We visited Hostage Square and participated in an emotional Sabbath service hosted by the Hostages and Missing Family Forum, urging bring them home now! We also visited a military cemetery at Mount Herzl – already the resting place for this war’s fallen soldiers.

We spent Shabbat at the Dan Panorama Hotel in Jerusalem, surrounded by scores of internal refugees – displaced families from lower income areas in the south of the country who cannot return home until the threat of another Hamas attack is neutralized. While there, we distributed toys and games to the children, who were thrilled to have something to occupy their attention.

We give our kids hugs and kisses and send them off to college. In Israel, we saw parents saying prayers over their children as they sent them off to war – girls and boys doing their mandatory service and 360,000 reservists, many carrying weapons and huge backpacks containing their gear for the difficult weeks and months ahead.

We returned to the U.S. emotionally drained and exhausted, so glad we went and so thankful to be home. Thank you to all who supported our mission.

MCA sincerely thanks Bruce, Bob, Dale and Lou, and the other members of our community with whom they shared what we all hope is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, for their courage, their commitment and their willingness to sacrifice so that Israel can survive.

For additional information about EVP, go to www.evp.org.il. If you would like to learn more, or are interested in participating in another EVP mission, please contact one of us or Deborah Fidel at Temple Shalom.

Powerful Tel Aviv street art commemorating Oct. 7, 2023
IDF paratroopers resting every chance they get but always prepared
Recent graves of fallen IDF soldiers at the Mt. Hertzel military cemetery in Jerusalem
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