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Temple Shalom events open to the community
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
Join us for the following March events:
Rabbi Harold Kushner Book Review Series
Sunday, March 3 at 10:30 a.m.
Rabbi Frank Muller presents a monthly series of discussions on the books of Rabbi Kushner. The book that will be discussed in March is “Living a Life That Matters.” Register at tinyurl.com/ TS-KushnerSeries.
Purim Festivities at Temple Shalom
Sunday, March 24
Join us to celebrate Purim! All are welcome. The morning kicks off with the Megillah reading at 10:30 a.m. followed by this year’s shpiel, “Barbie Megillah.” Immediately following the shpiel is the Food Truck Purim Palooza with food trucks (obviously!), music and entertainment, a kid’s zone and Purim carnival games. Registration for the Food Truck Palooza is required. Go to tinyurl.com/TSFoodTruckPalooza for more information and to register.
Soulful Shabbat
Friday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m.
Join us for a musical Shabbat conducted entirely in song and accompanied by the Temple Shalom Band.
Torah Study
Join our virtual Torah Study Saturday mornings, 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. All are welcome! Come to explore and connect with Jewish teachings. Call the Temple Shalom office at 239-455-3030 for the Zoom link.