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Naples Jewish Congregation events
By Chuck Naumoff, Publicity Chair
The following NJC events are open to the community:Adult education
Adult education
Join us Friday, March 22 at 5 p.m., when Rabbi Howard Herman will address “Is Democracy in Danger in Israel?”
Rabbi Herman is a poignant, insightful and entertaining educator, who generously shares his knowledge and brings about a vibrant and respectful exchange of ideas and beliefs.
Join us for dinner ($10 at the door) after the class and before services. We can continue the discussion or just share the social moment, then attend the Friday night Shabbat Service that follows. Dinner reservations at dlechtner@gmail.com or call Dick Lechtner at 814-882-4578.
Listen Up!
Nationally acclaimed Jewish vocal band Listen Up! will perform at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on Sunday, March 10 at 7 p.m. They will deliver warmth and sheer knock-your-socks-off vocal power through a love of Judaism and Israel. With multi-generational wit and humor, Tzioni sensibilities and an impressive artistic palette drawn from diverse Jewish musical traditions, Listen Up! consistently wins the hearts and ears of audiences of all ages. Tickets $50 and $75 at naplesjewishcongregation.org
Shabbat services
Everyone is welcome to attend our services which will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 15, 22 and 29 and Saturday, March 9 at 10 a.m. Join Rabbi Herman, Cantorial Soloist Jane Galler and Music Director Alla Gorelick for song and inspiration. Worship together with the members of the “The Small Congregation with a Big Heart.”
Services continue Friday nights and Saturday mornings through May. See our website at naplesjewishcongregation.org for specific dates and times.