1 minute read
May offers a return to pre-COVID routines
By Sue Baum, President
While the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island will continue to offer events virtually for those who prefer social distancing, under consideration by our advisory Task Force and the Board of Directors, we are reopening the Synagogue for in-person services.
As the president of the congregation, I have been a proponent of allowing services in the Synagogue, with criteria that emphasizes the safety of members who choose to worship in person.
With more than half of our members having completed their vaccination series, now appears the appropriate time to offer the following services commencing in May:
Shabbat services
We are anticipating that services will be conducted Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Synagogue and via Zoom.
Following services, while practicing social distancing, attendees can engage in conversation in the Synagogue and via Zoom.
Many of our seasonal residents will be leaving to resume their lives with family and friends up north. As for me, I will be attending two high school and one college graduation of three grandchildren.
For all, be safe and have a joyous summer. We look forward to your return for the Holy Days.