7 minute read

State of our Federation

Nat Ritter, Federation Board Chair

In 2022, our Federation made a strategic plan for the years 2022-2027 in which our Federation’s vision and mission were clearly stated:

Vision – For our Federation to be the central communal voice for the Jewish community of Naples and to be the supportive thread of our Jewish community.

Mission – To enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by supporting charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and the state of Israel.

With our vision and mission stated, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is in full bloom, and we are well on our way to establishing a major presence within our local, national and international communities.

New building, members and programming

The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center has enabled our Federation to host major events and has enabled the Women’s Cultural Alliance and the Men’s Cultural Alliance to reach unprecedented memberships. WCA’s

membership has reached 1,650 women, and MCA’s membership has reached 860 men. Through the leadership of Patti Boochever and Michael Sobol and their boards, WCA and MCA, along with our own Jewish Federation of Greater Naples committees, have had more than 750 various programs this season in our building. That means that more than 1,500 people visited our building each week.

Federation programming through the 2023-2024 year included our celebration of Israel (Yom Ha’Atzmaut), Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), hosting the Israeli Scouts, a Kristallnacht program that was sponsored by the Catholic/Jewish Dialogue and, of course, our community solidarity event for Israel in October, at which more than 500 community members in person and 200 people online showed their love, care and support of Israel.

Our Jewish Federation of Greater Naples community, with support of the greater Naples community, has been able to raise over $1 million dollars for the Israel Emergency Campaign in support of Israel and its ongoing war.

We also enjoyed magician, Joshua Jay, and the Matzah Ball for those younger than 55. The Jewish Book Festival began with Mitch Albom, who has authored multiple well-known books such as “Tuesdays with Morrie,” then continued throughout the season with eight additional authors and lectures. Our Annual Community Campaign Kickoff featured Joshua Malina. We participated in Naples’ Annual MLK Walk. Our Major Gifts event featured Julie Platt (who is Board Chair of Jewish Federations of North America and cousin of Jane Schiff ). We filled Schiff Hall and enjoyed a sing along with the Alta Rockers, a Pink Challah evening for Breast Cancer Awareness and multiple Lion of Judah and Pomegranate events for the Women of Philanthropy.

Our PJ Library program for younger children featured numerous programs throughout the year, including Rick Recht, a guitarist who performed family singalongs here at our Federation. I have not mentioned the programming WCA and MCA had. Combined, at least 700 of their programs were held this year as well. These are only a few of the events that Federation has hosted … we would be here until next season if I named them all!

Wow, what a year this has been! Not everything has been ideal. We have had our hiccups. We finally resolved the sound issues in Schiff Hall (we think), and we continue to try to resolve the HVAC issues in the building. We added a full-time security guard, and we continue to search for additional personnel to allow the building to be open on more weekends and additional evenings.

Under the guidance of Steve Stome and the Finance and Audit Committee, the outstanding bank loan on the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center could be satisfied by the end of this fiscal year or the end of this calendar year. The Finance and Audit committee also commissioned an agent to determine how much money should be reserved annually for future building repairs and maintenance.

New and improved website

If you have not checked out Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ new website, please do so. It is informative, concise and presents our Federation in a new light. I’m sure you’ve all noticed huge changes in the platform of our emails. Our average open rate for our emails is now 61%, roughly double the nonprofit industry average. Under the supervision of Tammy Katz and Beth Wolff, the Marketing Committee has made outstanding strides in the presentation and subject matter of our social media. Whenever you see these ladies, please let them know how much you appreciate all their talent and hard work along with our wonderful emails and website. Thank you, Tammy and Beth!

Dynamic education

Jeff Zalasky and Myra Benedikt, chairs of the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Israel and Overseas Committee, respectively, have done an incredible job of offering dynamic speakers and educating our Jewish community on antisemitism, the history of the Israeli/ Palestinian crisis, a worthwhile Day of Learning and much, much more to make their committee’s speakers and programs most memorable. Thank you, Jeff and Myra!

“Lives Secure” and other initiatives

A new initiative, the Secure Community Network (SCN), has started throughout the U.S. called “Live Secure.” Through SCN, JFGN has formed a consortium with the Federations of Lee and Charlotte Counties and the Gulfcoast Federation. We will share a regional security advisor who will evaluate the security needs of Jewish agencies in their respective regions. It will then be up to each agency to implement the recommendations and find funding for the improvements. Michael Masters, president and CEO of the Secure Community Network, will be in Naples May 7 to discuss “Live Secure” and its benefits to our community.

An additional program, brought to Federation’s attention by Larry Israelite and expected to be initiated this summer, will match community members who are unable to (or should not) drive with volunteer drivers who can take them where they would like to, or need to, go. Initially, the service will focus on members of the Jewish community who want to attend Federation events, local synagogues or temples, doctor appointments and/or a grocery store. Later, we hope to expand to include all members of the greater Naples community. More information will be available as the final program is developed.

And yes, our Federation is still planning our mission to Israel, Dubai, and Abu Dubai Oct. 28-Nov. 13. An informational meeting was held April 15 at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. We hope you were able to attend.

It takes a village

Let us not forget the importance of our strong staff — Reneé Bialek, Alicia Feldman, Courtney DeVault, Eduardo Avila, Amber Ferren, L.C. Velasco, Michelle Cunningham, Linda Sherman, Erika Francisco, Phil Zoltek, Pat Pastorius and T.J. Swartz. Without their support, we would not be able to achieve the extraordinary goals we have set for ourselves.

Also, I would like to thank all Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ committees and subcommittees and our Annual Campaign Committee for all their wonderful support and work. Without you, we could not have supported numerous agencies and had all the wonderful programs this year. We would also like to thank Marcy Aizenshtat for her creativity, time and effort with centerpieces for the annual meeting.

Finally, we want to continue our strong programming and educational development so we can continue to meet the expectations of our Jewish community. As you are aware, CEO/President Jeffrey Feld has announced his retirement effective Jan. 31, 2025. Our search committee, headed by Jane Schiff and Marc Saperstein, is tasked with filling the chair that Feld has nurtured and cared for. Think about the progress our Federation has made in the 10 years he has been part of our community. He intended to build a community and create community spirit — and that he has! The search will be no simple task with all that Feld has accomplished.

We are so fortunate to have a strong, healthy and growing Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. “ Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek … from strength to strength, may we be strengthened.”

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