2 minute read
Reflections on being the JYP coordinator
By Maya Williams, Jewish Young Professionals Coordinator
When I moved to Naples in November of 2021, I knew I wanted to continue my involvement in the Jewish community. Following my involvement in the Jewish community at Hillel at University of Illinois, I was aware that continuing to have this community was important to me. I reached out to the Federation in hopes of being able to join an existing group of young people, but with COVID just barely in the rearview mirror, there was not an active group. I offered to revive it.
My first event had three people, including myself, and it did not feel great. Coming from a university with a large Jewish population to a locale with so few young Jews was a bit of a shock to my system. Where I hoped to be able to join a community already made, I was tasked with building it from the ground up. I was disappointed, but determined, knowing that three people together was more than one person alone. Slowly, but surely, more people started to show up, with events nearing 15 people.

Having this community has felt like having a family away from home --many of us are far from our families, moving here for employment. Having people to celebrate the holidays with, to light Shabbat candles with, to get together with, has kept me grounded and even more sure of my Jewish values. As I move on from Naples, I am confident that this group will continue to strengthen and grow, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for it!
A note from Federation
On behalf of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and the Jewish Young Professionals, we wish Maya a Yasheer Koach and a big Todah Rabah for all that she has accomplished in the short time she was here in Naples. Maya, thank you!