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A new home for the Jewish Federation
A welcoming place for all Jews in the Greater Naples area
Todah Rabah
Our Capital Campaign total to date is $7.3M! We would like to say Todah Rabah, to the following donors who have contributed $500 or more as of Oct. 6.
Interested in adding your name to the list in one of our upcoming issues? Contact Marcy Friedland, Capital Campaign Director, at mfriedland@jewishnaples.org or 239-263-4205.
Patricia Adkins
Stuart & Tess Axelrod
Ronald & Barbara Balser
Alvin & Sheila Becker
Jerry & Rosalee Bogo
Steve & Patti Boochever
Braverman Family Foundation
Stephen & Rhonda Brazina
Harvey & Katie Cohen
Stan & Karen Deutsch
Steven & Shelley Einhorn
Jeffrey & Susan Feld
Ronald & Paula Filler
Marcy Friedland
Elaine Goecke
Bill & Carol Goldman
David Goldsteen & Marcia Cohodes
Merrill Hassenfeld & Paula Brody
Steve Iser
Nancy L. Kaplan
Ed Kaufman
James Knafo
Gary & Deborah Kohler
Gracia Kuller
Howard & Gail Lanznar
Elliot & Helene Lerner
Merlin & Harriet Lickhalter
Bernard & Bobbie Lublin
Andy & Robin Mintz
Les & Gail Nizin
Ben Post & Debbie Laites
Harvey Oriel
Marshall & Elaine Paisner
Joel & Susan Pittelman
Stuart & Estelle Price
Ilya & Kate Prizel
Nat & Susan Ritter
Richard & Ellaine Rosen
Sam & Judy Roth
Stephen & Bebe Saks
Marc & Joan Saperstein
Rose Saperstein
Jane Schiff
Schiff Family Foundation
Bill & Caroline Schulhof
Les & Betty Schwartz
Phyllis Seaman
Donald & Arlene Shapiro
Russell & Gail Smith II
Michael & Arlene Sobol
Elaine Soffer
Howard & Janet Solot
Stephen & Phyllis Strome
Malcom Thomson
Jay & Susan Weiss
Brian & Beth Wolff
Ed & Ellen Wollman
Barry & Debbie Zvibleman