5 minute read
Use the “Zoom highway” to connect with WCA North and WCA South
By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Coordinator
The wide range of cultural and social programs, as well as the warmth and comradery that is an integral part of every program, helps to define WCA. Years ago, to make it more convenient for members to reap these benefits, WCA formed two “satellite” groups — one for women who live north of Naples (into southern Lee County) and one for members who live south of Naples (down to Marco Island). All WCA members benefited, as the fabulous programs offered by these two satellite groups are open to everyone.
Although COVID-19 forced us to stop meeting in person, both WCA North and WCA South have been successfully using Zoom, not only to educate and entertain our members, but also to keep them connected. WCA South, under the leadership of South Coordinators Leslie Wasserman and Cathy Lone-Dawson, kicked off its sixth season of programming on Oct. 21 with a virtual “Inaugural Luncheon.” WCA North, led by Coordinator Dina Shein, has been using Zoom for months.
With all WCA members able to easily “Zoom into” programs and interest groups from wherever they are, more members are looking into WCA North and WCA South’s offerings, an unanticipated, but extremely positive, benefit of going virtual. And when they do, they certainly aren’t disappointed!
Next month’s Federation Star article will focus on WCA South and the exciting events being offered. Read about the wonderful WCA North programs below.
WCA North dates back to 2012
This satellite was born when Corkscrew Coconut Consortium (CCC) was formed to better serve members who live in southern Lee County. In 2014, when Elaine Soffer became WCA President, the group was renamed WCA North. Under the guidance of WCA North Coordinator, Dina Shein, and her dedicated board, WCA North flourished.
The 12 talented and creative women who comprise the WCA North board include Patti Boochever, Diane Carel, Diane Greene, Andrea Goodman, Marilyn Harris, Susan Krohn, June Kruger, Susy Payne, Laurie Rapport, Harriet Schweitzer, Jackie Sherman and Denise Sultan.
“What makes the board so successful is that, while each woman concentrates on a special area of interest, board members truly support each other,” says Shein.
WCA North has brought a variety of new and exciting activities to WCA, attended not only by women who live north of Naples, but also by our general membership. WCA North has about 500 women on its list and about one-third of those women live in Naples.
When the pandemic struck, North hardly missed a beat — as soon as the Federation established Zoom accounts, WCA North transitioned its programming into online offerings.
Shein explains, “We had a wide range of programming planned and immediately embraced the opportunity to use Zoom to continue all of our fabulous programming! A bonus is that we have ladies from all over the U.S. and Canada attending.”
Some of the most popular WCA North programs are described below.
WCA North Book Discussion
Led by Shein, WCA North Book Discussion has met monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month for several years, gathering at Grandezza for lunch and a book discussion. They are still meeting, but now through Zoom. Shein explains that using Zoom allows more women to participate. Due to space limitations at Grandezza, participation was limited and there was a waitlist.
“With Zoom, we can now include up to 35 women,” says Shein, “allowing for an invigorating discussion, yet still having time for each woman to express her thoughts.” (The list of book selections is on the sidebar of the WCA weekly e-blast.)
Sharing Shakespeare
Led by Diane Carel, Sharing Shakespeare was one of North’s most popular groups. When Carel decided to take the year off, the Tuesday afternoon time slot was immediately filled by Modern Israeli Movies. The group still meets the second Tuesday of the month, but now they meet on Zoom. Instead of watching the movie together, women watch it beforehand. Shein, who facilitates the group with Luba Rotsztain, sends participants information about how to access the movie along with “ten points to ponder.” The group’s discussions are based on these points. (The list of films is on the sidebar of the WCA e-blast.) Between 30 and 40 women have been participating in this relatively new program.
Ladies who brunch
Traditionally, this group met at various restaurants in southern Lee County on the second Friday of each month. The women still “meet,” but now through Zoom. Each month, between 12 and 24 women participate. Marilyn Harris, who organizes the group, explains that Ladies Who Brunch gives women an opportunity to chat and share experiences.
“No one really wants to discuss a specific topic. We really just want the opportunity to “be” with each other. Zoom gives us the ability to stay connected. I am so glad that we can do this,” says Harris.
WCA North’s mahjong
This group used to gather at Grandezza every Wednesday to eat lunch and play.
“Since COVID-19,” says group organizer Andrea Goodman, “most of us having been playing online through the app “Real Mahjong,” staying on our cellphones so we can talk. These games are not officially organized through WCA North, but even some of our members who are up north are playing.” Goodman adds, “While it is fun, I can’t wait until we will all be together again—and I hope that it is sooner rather than later.”
Several WCA North activities, however, have been put on hold for now, including canasta games and lessons. Jackie Sherman, who has been teaching canasta for three years, said that she will again schedule lessons when women are comfortable getting together. As an aside, Sherman mentioned that she is really enjoying Zooming into the WCA Speaker Series!
June Krueger typically arranges theater outings during the season, and other board members schedule a variety of activities and special events throughout the year.
But as Shein says, “For now, those will have to wait until after COVID-19. We are moving along — there is always something happening on Zoom! And I am certainly open to suggestions.”
So, grab your calendar and check the e-blast for WCA programs occurring in WCA North and WCA South. All WCA members are welcome to participate. After you register, simply “click” to enter the “Zoom highway” and enjoy your destination!