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Due to coronavirus, all Hadassah meetings and programs are being offered and presented via Zoom. We hope to see you on Zoom at these interesting and diverse programs.
For your convenience, these offerings are being presented as a series of programs, called Expanding Horizons.
You may subscribe to any and all programs and share your email to receive the Zoom link. Watch for the weekly e-blast with registration information.
Monday, Oct. 26 at 10:30 a.m. - Zoom “Secrets of the Orchid Whisperer,” presented by award-winning orchid grower, Gayle Dorio
Monday, Nov. 2 at 3:30 p.m. - Zoom “Dessert Anyone?” A baking demonstration by Bakery Chef Stephani Schwartz. Attendees are eligible for a drawing prize of the personally delivered dessert to the winner’s home in either Collier or Lee County.
Monday, Nov. 16 at 11 a.m. - Zoom
Fall Meeting with speaker Kathy A. Feinstein, LMHC, CMPC, discussing “The Mental Edge: Resilience & Coping in Difficult Times”
Sunday, Dec. 13 at 10 a.m. - Annual Recognition Keepers of the Gate Zoom event with guest speaker, Dr. Alex Greenberg, an HMO physician currently doing his fellowship in joint reconstruction at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. For information, please reach out to Nancy Wiadro at nwiadro@ hadassah.org or 239-269-3666.