3 minute read
Learning about WCA and one another
New Member Coffees
By Harriett Kleinman, WCA Membership Director
Ifind it hard to believe that WCA is beginning its 15th year! As Southwest Florida has increased in population, so have we. WCA began in 2009 with a mere 300 members; we currently have nearly 1,400 members. We are finding that more of us are choosing to call this area our full-time home.
We know that many women join WCA after hearing about us through word of mouth. Members tell others about the friendships they have made and the activities that keep their calendars full. I hear from many prospective members that their friends tell them they must join WCA as soon as they sign a lease or buy a home.
WCA members will tell you that women who share similar interests and experiences become friends, which strengthens WCA.
The WCA experience typically begins with a welcome email from me, as Membership Director, that includes an invitation to attend a New Member Coffee. These Coffees are usually held at the homes of Board members. Members have the opportunity to meet and share their interests and experiences with one another. At one of the Coffees, for example, a group of new members put together a mahjong group! Attendees also share where they are living here and where they live up North. As a result, women often discover someone from their same community or hometown whom they had never met. One new member told me, as she was leaving a Coffee (with the attendee list in her hand), “I am meeting two new friends for coffee later this week!”

New members also have an opportunity to chat with members of the WCA Board and Membership Committee. Through these conversations, we can discover new members’ interests and suggest WCA activities and volunteer opportunities they might especially enjoy.
During the coffees, WCA President Patti Boochever explains how to navigate the WCA website, www.wcanaples.org. She shows everyone the many capabilities of the site, along with shortcuts and “How To’s.”
As membership director, I look forward to meeting our new members and hearing about their backgrounds. We have always known that WCA is filled with talented, creative and fascinating women. Most of these women have had very full lives before coming to Florida and want to continue to grow, learn and experience new things. We love welcoming members to WCA.
To learn more about us, or to join WCA, please go to our website, wcanaples.org.
Monday, Dec. 4, 2023
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024 (WCA South)
Monday, Feb. 19, 2024
Monday, March 4, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024